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Lunch time
Jimins pov

I smirk seeing bunny walking around with Rosé (a cheetah hybrid) and Lisa(a cheetah hybrid). I walk to them "hey guys~" bunny hides behind Lisa and Lisa growls at me "get the fuck away from us jimin", I lick my lips "aw~ saving the bunny for yourselves?~ sharing is caring~"

Rosé glares at me "he fucking said he was sorry jimin! Stop being an asshole!" I growl at her "why don't you get your nose out of our business!", I look at Lisa and my eyes darken "where did he go?" They both then turn around and gasp "jungkook?!"

I look around and then sniff the air "ah ha~" I shift to my fox form and continue to sniff the air. I see Lisa and Rosé shift to their cheetah forms and I then huff and follow his scent. I walk out of school past my friends who look at me confused and Lisa and rosé follow me

I need to loose them!

I smirk when we reach a field "you two go that way and I'll go this way!" They look at me and then nod and then run off the way I told them. I smirk and then follow his scent the opposite way.

I see him Stood on his back legs Looking around trying to hide in the grass. I then growl a little Making his ears perk up

He then slowly turns to me and I see him panic internally

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He then slowly turns to me and I see him panic internally. I chuckle "found you~" he comes down onto all four legs and slowly backs away from me. I growl "aw~ scared of me~" I groan when Rosé then jumps in between us guarding him growling loudly "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM JIMIN!"

I step back and then growl back "why are you protecting him?! You're a preditor!!! He's prey!!!" Lisa rushes over "he's an innocent bunny jimin!! And didn't your fox want to protect him!? So why are you trying to kill him"

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I step back and then growl back "why are you protecting him?! You're a preditor!!! He's prey!!!" Lisa rushes over "he's an innocent bunny jimin!! And didn't your fox want to protect him!? So why are you trying to kill him"

Jungkook hops towards me and sits in front of me and squeaks "do it" I look down at him "what?" His ears flop down "I've heard your parents don't feed you...s-so you must be hungry....w-which is why you wanted to kill me right? D-do it..."

My eyes widen "bun-" he looks up at me and I sigh and shake my head sitting down "Aish I can't do this....I'm sorry" I then lean down and nuzzle his face with my nose "I got so angry....I'm Sorry" he squeaks and nuzzles my cheek "no I should be sorry...I didn't trust you...I upset you"

Lisa steps back "I didn't expect that to happen...." Rosé shakes her head "no I didn't either" I huff and then stand up "come on bunny let's get home....I'll walk you home" jungkook tilts his head.
We all then shift to our human forms

Jungkook hugs me "thank you for forgiving me" my eyes widen not knowing what to do. He then steps back "ah sorry! I-i shouldn't have hugged you without permission" I stare at him "Aish...no it's fine I just haven't been hugged like that before"

Lisa smiles "well we'll see you at school...be careful kook....jimin don't try anything stupid" I nod "I won't" they both walk away and me and jungkook start to walk towards Jungkooks house. He looks at me "haven't your parents ever hugged you like that?",

I shrug "probably when I was a baby....when they loved me yeah...." He smiles "I'm sure they still love you" I shake my head "im not getting my hopes up....I heard them talking about kicking me out....I'm a burden to them" he sighs "that's horrible" I shrug "my parents should have been divorced years ago... but thought they could fix it...."

He grabs my hand and smiles widely showing his bunny teeth "you're always welcome over at mine!" I look at him "you forgive people very easily" he nods "my eomma always said that if I hold a grudge that things will get worse...look at the bright side because the sun always shines after the storm"

We arrive at his house and I hear my mother and father yelling making me huff, jungkook looks at me "y-you can come in if you want....j-just don't hurt me?" I nod "I won't I promise.... please trust me this time" he nods

He opens the door and we walk inside, I close the door and I sense he's very uncomfortable "I can leave-" he cuts me off "no! Its fine! I'm just a little scared that's all", I step back away from him and nod "I understand...."

Aish....how do I show him I'm sorry and won't hurt him?.....I let my anger get the best of me....

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