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One week later

Jimins pov

"Holy shit!" I duck down quickly when jungkook throws a pencil in my direction. I turn around and see the pencil stuck in the wall "bun what's wrong?" He looks at me "hyung! You're in class!" I sit next to him "I am...wanna tell me why you almost killed me with a pencil?"

He looks at the pencil that falls to the floor "oh...I...don't know...I felt angry...so I threw it...I didn't realize it would get stuck in the wall" he stands up and winces a little. My eyes widen "are you alright?" He nods "I just have a funny feeling in my belly that's all....it's probably just the flu or something"

He walks and picks up his pencil. Why does he smell weird..
He sits back down and the others all walk in, Jisung and Minho sit behind us and Jisung sniffs the air, he then leans forward and sniffs jungkook

He groans then covers his nose "Kookie what is that scent!" Jungkook looks at him confused "w-what scent? Do I smell bad?" I put my nose to his neck and take in his scent "no...it's not bad.....it's... weird..." his eyes widen and he then stands up walking to Lisa

I watch him confused. Lisa smiles and hands him a bottle of perfume. He then sprays a lot on his neck and then hands it back to Lisa. He walks to me "do I smell now?" I cough a little "jeez baby you put on a lot....I think maybe you've just got the flu....do you feel sick?"

He pouts "I was sick yesterday morning...and the morning before that...a-and the morning before that...b-but no...I don't FEEL sick...no" namjoon smirks "you two have had sex yeah?" I growl "what's it to you?"

He holds his hands up in defence "he might be pregnant" me and jungkook look at one another and his eyes widen "a-a-as I-in b-babies?....I-in m-my belly?" Yoongi rolls his eyes "no-" I cut him off by growling "if you aren't gonna be nice keep your mouth shut"

Felix gasps "that's amazing Kookie! You might have babies!" Jungkook looks at me "b-but we can't....w-we have school...and-and we're not ready! We-we don't have jobs...h-how-" I cut him off when he starts to cry but hugging him "hey hey....it's okay...it's alright....calm down bunny"

He sobs on my shoulder "what will we do hyung?!" He grips my shirt and my ears flop down "i-i don't know baby... we'll think of something....but just think....you might not be pregnant....we might just be thinking too far.... taehyung will go and buy a test and we'll have you take it okay? And THEN we'll talk about what we're gonna do... alright?"

He nods a little and then sits back in his chair using his sleeve to wipe his tears.

Shit....I should have used protection... what the fuck will we do if he IS pregnant...it's not like we can keep it... we're still students at school, he's right.. I don't think we're ready for a baby....
Shit....why didn't we think of this before.

Taehyung huffs standing up "give me the money" I hand him some money "go and buy the test Tae, I have to stay with jungkook" he rolls his eyes "I hate being your best friend sometimes" he walks out ignoring the teacher Telling him to come back as she walks in

Through the whole lesson I don't pay attention to the teacher,I don't take my eyes of Jungkook who was taking notes and mumbling to himself from time to time

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