Chapter 16

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"What your meaning to say is that child has magic?" A doctor at ST mungo's said in amusement. "Yes!" Hermione and Draco said in sync. The doctor looked at them like they were crazy "you do know that your both wizards so it's normal for the child to be one two right?" Hermione and Draco both looked at each other before realising the doctor was right.

"Oh my- we are so sorry to waste your time it completely slipped our minds" Hermione panicked, she had never done that before and was worried that the doctor was going to sue them or something around that line. Draco was completely calm he knew the doctor couldn't help them with the problem but Hermione persuaded him to go.

Hermione's picked up scorpius and walked towards the door but stopped. "Excuse me" she asked the doctor who was now writing something down. "Yes?" The doctor said, "uh do you have any reason he'd be showing magic at such a young age?" She asked nervously. "Some children are more powerful that the other it all depends on the child" the doctor said before going back to her notes.

Hermione and Draco got home a little while after and decided to drop the subject on scorpius's magic. They spent the rest of there night together just enjoying the company of each other with the occasional show of scorp.

"Scorpius! It's dinner time!" Draco called out for his son from the dining room. Scorpius came running in with Hermione close behind him. "What food daddy" Scorpius said as he sat down on a seat. Hermione helped Draco serve the food out before everyone was sitting down. "I still think we should get a house elf" Draco said half way through his dinner. Hermione looked up at him shaking her head. "Draco I told you house elf's are not servants" Draco noticed the frustration in her voice and decided it was best to drop the subject. "Okay" he said and everyone went back to silent.

"Scorpius time for a bath" Scorpius jumped out of his seat excited. "Let's go mama" Scorpius said taking Hermione's hand and running with her to the bathroom. "Woah scorpius slow down I can't go fast" Scorpius heard this and slowed his pace down. Hermione started the taps and turned to scorpius to see he was already undressed and half way into the bath.

Draco stood in the doorway watching them with a big smile on his face, he was so lucky he thought to himself. He was finally starting his family, the one he never thought he'd have. Yes scorpius may not be Hermione's but she sure didn't think of that she treated scorpius like her own just as she always had done and now him and Hermione was going to have a little one of their own.

Once scorpius was done with his bath and was tucked into bed, Hermione read a story to him and he fell into a slumber. She kissed his forehead and walked out of the room closing the door a little behind her. She walked down the halls and found Draco sitting in the living room reading one of her favorite books 'hogwarts: a history'. Draco looked up from the book when he heard Hermione. "Hey" he said as she sat next to him. "Hey" she replied giving him a kiss on his cheek. "He's asleep" she added before reading the book with him.

Hermione eyes started to drop signaling she was tired but she didn't want to move from her spot next to Draco so she cuddled into him more nuzzling her head into his chest. Draco looked over at Hermione after she had dug herself into him to see she had fallen asleep. "Come on" he whispered to himself as he put the book down and carefully picked up Hermione and carried her bridal style to the bedroom. He placed her on the bed and tucked her in before getting into bed from the other side. As he did Hermione instantly snuggled closer to Draco, Draco put his arms around her waist and was spooning her and falling asleep himself.

The next morning draco was awake before Hermione so he got out of bed without waking her and over to the kitchen after checking and seeing scorpius was also asleep still. He started to make breakfast which contained:

•toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, beans and tea - for Hermione & himself

•a bowl of cereal with pumpkin Juice - for Scorpius

He set them on a tray and levitated them behind him. He walked over to scorpius's room and saw he was starting to wake up so he picked up scorpius and walked to his room he set the trays down and put a warming charm on them to keep them warm while he waited for them to wake up.

10 minutes later both Hermione and scorpius had woken up. "Good morning I made breakfast" he whispered in her ear and kissed her softly before handing her the tray with her breakfast on and did the same for scorpius and himself.  They all ate in a peaceful silence with the occasional sound of scorpius talking to himself.

The rest of the day they stayed at home. Not having anything to do than that exactly. The played games, watched tv (that Hermione persuaded Draco to get for scorpius) and slept more.  It was a good day for the little family.

Hiya! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I have had school and have t had much time but hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading :)

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