Chapter 27

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The next couple months were exceptionally ordinary , for the matter. The family of 5 had no problems, at most they managed to enjoy there time.

Scorpius had turned 4 years old, the twins were officially 6 months old, Hermione and Draco both had there birthdays both turning 20.

Harry and Ginny had a baby boy, which they named albus, after there old headmaster, they also adopted a another boy, who they named James after Harry's father, who also happened to be the same age as scorpius.

Ron and lavender were expecting, and were half way through the pregnancy already, Luna had started dating neville, much to everyone's surprise.

Word got out that daphne greengrass, was indeed pregnant herself, nobody knowing who the father is, as she won't tell. Astoria had her trial and was reluctantly allowed to leave, she had left her home and went to live in America, away from her family and anyone who knows her.


"Mommy, daddy!" Scorpius shouted and ran into his parents bedroom, "it's Christmas!" He exclaimed jumping on the bed.

Draco and Hermione both groaned having been up all night, and slowly left bed, "I'm gonna shower" Hermione mumbled. Draco  smiled tiredly and left bed to make scorpius breakfast, he checked on the twins, saw they were awake and picked them up taking them into the living room, once he made it there he settled them down, and Orion crawled around the floor, while Ophelia stayed were she was staring at her father, Draco and Hermione already knew she would be a daddy's girl.

"Draco! Will you come here?!"
Hermione shouted from the bathroom. "Okay two seconds mione!" Draco shouted back he made sure they kids were safe, and scorpius had his breakfast before going to Hermione. He walked into the bedroom and saw she had all the presents and was struggling to carry them.

Draco chuckled and helped her out, taking the bigger bunch. They walked back into the room and settled the presents down, scorpius seeing this, jumped out of his seat "presents!"

Hermione had picked up Ophelia while Orion had already crawled to the presents.

Scorpius opened his first presents, from Harry and Ginny. It was a mini broom stick, which could fly 6 feet into the air.

Scorpius second present, from the Weasleys, (yes all of them) was a huge box full of different types of toys, and treats baked by mrs Weasley.

Next was from Narcissa, she had gotten him a very expensive suit, as well as (not for dracos liking) a cat, a great fluffy cat which its fur could change colour.

Lastly from Hermione and Draco, scorpius opened it carefully as he did with all his presents, it was a book. "A book?" Scorpius said sadly. "Ah no scorp open the other one." Draco told him and passed scorpius a long box, slightly shorter than a wand box.  He opened it and gasped, inside was a mini wand (a children trainer wand) the wand could do simply spells that wouldn't harm no one.

Next to open there presents were the twins, they opened Harry and ginnys first, with help from there parents, inside was a beautiful book and inside the book was lots of magical pictures, the twins had a fun time watching he pictures move.

Next they opened, the gift from the Weasleys, and saw similar to scorpius had lots of different variables of toys.

Next was Narcissa, who had gotten Orion a matching suit to his brother, and Ophelia a beautiful dress.

Last was Hermione and dracos, they had gotten the twins little carts that they can sit on or lay, and it will take them anywhere in the house, instead of having to crawl, which is lucky in Ophelia case as she hasn't quite got the hang on crawling just yet.

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