Chapter 28

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"Oh my- we are going to be late!" Ginny Weasley screamed at Harry, who was trying his hardest to get himself and his two sons ready.  "Gin we have an hour!"

"Not long enough! Hermione's going to need me to help her get ready!" Harry rolled his eyes "I'm sure Malfoy has ordered some witches to get her ready"

Ginny stared at her. "Yeah well she still needs me" she walked out the room with her dress levitated behind. She picked up a one year old albus.

"Malfoy manor!" She shouted as she dropped the powder and disappeared. Harry following after her with a 5 year old James potter.


Hermione had woken up expecting to have Draco in bed with her but remembered it was her wedding day and couldn't be with him just yet.

As soon as she had stepped out of the room she had been pushed back into it by women she had never seen in her life. "Oh miss granger, you must start getting ready!" One of the women told her as they pushed her into the en-suite bathroom.

Hermione jumped in the shower, washing her hair and body. After twenty minutes she got out and dried herself putting on a bathrobe. She looked at herself in the mirror and dried her hair before stepping out of the bathroom.

Her room had been turned into four sections:


She sighed, but smiled when she spotted Ginny walking into the room bossing all the lady's around.

"This day is going to be-" she was cut off as she saw Hermione and ran towards her. "Oh Hermione!! This is your day!"

"Let's get ready gin"

Draco had woken up in a brilliant mood, he had gotten breakfast in bed from Blaise, Harry and Ron.

They all chatted and ate their food before walking down the halls to help set stuff up.

As they was walking they could hear Ginnys voice from across the house, and realised they had walked towards Hermione's wing of the manor.

All four men walked down the stairs and Draco saw his mother giving instructions at people and house elf's.


Narcissa turned and grinned when she saw her son. "Oh Draco this is your day!" She hugged his tightly. Draco chuckled.

"How long left?"

"2 hours"  Draco was shocked he turned to the other guys "we been in that room chatting and drinking for 3 hours?"

The boys just grinned.


Hermione was ready, and When she opened her eyes after having her makeup done she smiled as she saw her daughter in her dress, that she was to wear and her sons wearing matching suits she knew matched draco.

"Oh look how beautiful you all look" she hugged all her children. "No me and Orion are handsome" Scorpius corrected her. Hermione laughed.

"Let's go" Hermione said, she took the twins hands in hers while scorpius walked in front of her and they all walked towards where the wedding would take place.

The gardens.


Draco was nervous to say the least.

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