The Temple on Haunted Hill

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,,Welcome to Yang's haunted temple. The historical landmark and former home of Sensei Yang, the notorious Sensei without a pupil, infamous for creating the lost marital art of Airjitzu.'', the tour guide informs us as she leads us in front of a big statue of Sensei Yang.

,,Unfortunately, we can't take our tour groups inside, for rumors say anyone trapped inside its walls at sunrise, will be turned into a ghost permanently. But if you listen closely, maybe we'll be able to hear the ghost of Sensei Yang himself, looking for his lost pupils.'', she continues.

,,I hope it's not a rumor, for it's our only hope!'', Zane says way louder than he should've. Since Jay fixed his voice he could speak again, but very loud.

,,Ah, sorry about my loud friend, he's a little hard of hearing.'', Cole apologizes. ,,Known for his un... Ahem... usual teaching methods.'', the tour guide continues, clearly confused because of us.

,,I thought you said you fixed him?'', Kai asks Jay. ,,At least he's no longer talking backwards. I guess my tinkering got his volume level stuck, heh, heh.'', Jay laughs a little. ,,At least you can understand me now!'', Zane shouts again.

,,Dating back, ahem, to the Edo Period...'', the tour guide continues, still irritated because of Zane. ,,Well, from now on, only speak if you have something really important to say.'', Cole tells him.

,,Who put you in charge?'', Kai asks him. ,,I did. After you guys mucked it up, it's my turn to be in charge. And like me, I like my plans simple. We sneak in, learn Airjitzu from the ghost of Sensei Yang, then get out before the sun up.'', Cole explains us his plan.

,,Since Morro already knows Airjitzu, we just have to hope he hasn't figured out the next clue.'', Kai mentions. ,,Well, the sun is setting, which means we should head back to the bus. Wouldn't want anyone to turn into a ghost.'', the tour guide jokes as everyone gets back into the bus, except for us.

We hide behind the statue of Sensei Yang until they're gone. ,,And what now?'', I ask Cole. ,,We wait till it gets dark and then we go inside.'', he answers my question.

,,So... why is it Wu never told us he has a daughter?'', Jay suddenly asks after a few minutes of silence. I look up at him, not knowing what I should tell him.

,,They had some disagreements and he didn't talk to her for the past few years.'', Cole explains for me as he lays his arm around my shoulders to comfort me. ,,What disagreements?'', Kai asks.

I look at Cole for a second, before I start to explain them everything that happened. As I'm done, they walk over and give me a hug.

,,Well, it's dark. Let's go inside.'', I suggest as they let go of me. We sneak over to the temple and Cole and Jay try to open the window.

I watch them for a while, until I notice that Zane had opened the door and is walking inside with Kai. ,,Oh... Ah, okay.'', Cole mutters as he and Jay notice that too and follow us.

Jay opens a door to one of the rooms and we enter it. After we walked inside, the door slams behind us. We walk towards the picture of Sensei Yang, which is hanging on the wall on the opposite side than the door.

Suddenly Cole screams next to me and as I turn around, I see a big spider in front of my face, making me scream too. ,,Relax. If this place is truly haunted, we just need to wait until he shows himself.'', Kai tells us.

,,Ah, he should've been here by now. You heard the tour guide, f we're not out by sunup, we'll be ghosts.'', Cole reminds us nervously. ,,You didn't buy into that malarkey, did you?'', Kai asks him.

,,Hey, I don't wanna be a ghost. Who wants to be a ghost? Why didn't anyone warn us this place would get so creepy after dark?'', Cole asks. ,,Eh, remind me again why we agreed to put the guy afraid of ghosts in charge?'', Jay asks us, which makes me at him, even though I'm also afraid of ghosts.

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