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Ok so I am planning a sequel, but I need some help! So first things first the next book will intoduce other multiverse of the Undertale fandom. If you have one you wanna see please comment and give some information about it. But here are some I know about, if ya wanna see one please tell me!


Fallen stars


CQ comics


Template and pale

Second, if you wanna see a specific plot line for one of these multiverse crossovers please tell me. I have an idea for fallen stars and CQ if those get picked, if ya wanna see a plot line comment the general points. Mainly though I just wanna know which universes you guys would like to see. So comment please. Suggestion are always open.

And lastly! Thank you so much! For everything, I can't stress it enough.

Here are some of my other books I do if you wanna see more by me.

Errink Oneshots (requests are open!)

Shino vs. the world (childish war) (wanna know what it's about, it's about the ship children having a war.)

The sequel to this book, it'll come out soon

My OC book (Cypher)

And anything else I'm forgetting! It's on my page.

Ok I now I said that was the last thing but I have some special thank you I wanna do so...

Thank you to CambriaAster
Your comments always brightened my day. Even on the worst days I would see you comments and I felt so much better.So thank you!

Thank you to CoffeeReader07
I love your comments, too. You always made me feel super special! I love reading your book, and I wanted to give you a special thank you.

Thank you to @beigeclaw
From the very first chapter where you commented It meant a lot. When I was first writing this book it was just for myself, but after I published it. Having someone like the first chapter meant a lot.

Thank you to JaelineOsegueda
You were the one you inspired me to write this book. I at first was just getting into the fandom, and when I read your works I just got so impressed and fell even more in love with the fandom.

Thank you to Astrocookiesowo
You were one of the first SSQ members to read this and I wanted to thank you for it. Your comments and everything! You were always so excited when I posted or when the next chapter was going to come out.

And a huge thank you to anyone else who commented or voted, just..thank you!

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