Ch.4: Resisting.

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Song: Hate it When You See Me Cry - Halestorm.

(Y/n) and Hiro were sitting on a bench that was on a cliff that allowed them to view the city from above. It was a calm place, the only one that they could take a break without being bothered, however, they couldn’t stay for a long time.

“How is your father?” Hiro asks.

“He’s resisting…” she answers without taking her eyes off the city.

He turns to look at her. She was a complex puzzle, it was hard to read the emotions on her face yet she was very good to read other people emotions, she looked so vulnerable yet he had never seen someone as deadly as she is.

Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pulls her closer to him “And how are you doing?”

She lays her head on his shoulder “Resisting” she mutters.

“You know that I’m always here for you, right?”

She looks up at his eyes “I know”

Hiro smiles and kisses her forehead. He could only find peace standing next to her. He loved keeping her close to him and he hated that Toshizou gets to spend more time with her than everyone else. They had many encounters where they almost cut their throat off. The only reason that stopped them to kill each other was (Y/n).

Suddenly, his phone rang announcing a new text message. He looks at his phone and reads the message.

‘We got him’

A dark smile appears on his lips and he kisses her head.

“I got work to do, darling”

“I understand” she stands up.

He stands up and holds her hand “Let me drive you to your house”

She smiles and nods.

The drive at her home was silent. Even when he couldn’t read her emotions he understood that the pressure of leading a clan because her father is dying it could be a little overwhelming to her.

When they arrive at her place, he walks her to the door and kisses the top of her hand.

“I’ll visit you tomorrow”

“Okay” she looks up at him.

Hiro caresses her cheek and looks at her eyes. There was something in her that made him feel human and not the monster that his father turned him in. Slowly, he leans down to kiss her but he was interrupted when the door opened.

“Welcome back, (Y/n)-sama” Toshizou speaks from the door.

Hiro glares at him as she looks at Toshizou.

“Hi” she greets him.

“Dinner is almost ready” he gently grabs her hand pulling her to the house.

She turns to look at Hiro and smiles “See you tomorrow”

Hiro looks at her and smiles sweetly at her “See you, my darling”

Toshizou glares at him and closes the door.

Hiro stands in front of the door for a couple of seconds, he feels all the humanity drain from her body going back to the sadistic monster that he was supposed to be. Walking back to the car he enters and looks back at his phone.

He was about to teach a Russian man the consequences of harassing the woman of his life.


The next day (Y/n) was sitting in next to her father’s bed. In the room there were two more people, Kurosaki Akihiko, a sixty-year old man and he is the right hand man of (Y/n)’s father and the other one was his son Kurosaki Keisuki he is the doctor of the clan.

Toshizou was looking at her through the small crack of the door but then he feels a cold chill running down to his spine. Turning around, he looks at the red, cold eyes of Hiro standing behind him. Toshizou notices that he had little bags under his eyes, as if he was awake all night.

“Take your eyes off her” there was something dark on the way he talked to the bodyguard.

“It’s my job to keep her on my sight, now you shouldn’t be here. Go to the living room and wait there like all the guests do”

“Oh, but I’m not just a guest… I’m very important to her and you know it”

Toshizou glares at him “Still, you are not allowed to be here”

“Says who?” he smirks.

“I do” he crosses his arms.

“Or what? I can kill you with my hands tied up on my back”

“You wouldn’t have a chance”

The tension in the room was thick that could cut it with a knife.

Suddenly, they heard a sob coming from the room in front of them. When they turn to look at the room, the door opens revealing a tense woman with glassy eyes and trembling lips. She was still holding back her emotions.

Hiro tries to lay a hand on her shoulder but she avoids him and walks past them towards her bedroom.

They could only watcher her leave, when they turn to look at the room from where she exited, they see the doctor covering the head of her father with the blanket. They look at each other and silently decided to leave their deadly rivalry to the side only for today.

Toshizou decides to go after her as Hiro goes to the kitchen to get her some tea for her.

Her happiness was above other things in the word. They’ll have time to cut each other throats later.


(Y/n) kneels down in front of the grave of her parents. The sunset was reflecting on her (s/c) skin and the cold air brushed her hair.

Toshizou stands behind of her looking at the grave in front of them. Everyone left to their car leaving them alone.

“(Y/n)-sama” he speaks “It’s getting cold”

But she doesn’t answer, she stays still as if everything around her became silent.

He sighs and takes his jacket off placing it on her shoulders.

“(Y/n)-sama” he kneels down next to her and puts his hands on her shoulder.

She wakes up from her little trance and her eyes starts watering again as tears fall down from her eyes. Toshizou hugs her caressing her head. She sobs and grips his shirt hiding her face on his chest.

Toshizou knew her better than anyone and he knew for how long she had been holding back her emotions to look indifferent and tough in front of everyone else.

He never loved or admired someone as how he loves her and admires her.

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