thirty one

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"Piang!" the sound waves came to me as the ball hit my metal bat. I never got old of the sound.

"It wasn't a home run! I win!" The laughter beside me said.

I looked up from my position and stood up, looking at the far end of the field.

"Where's your ball? Don't tell me you haven't hit yet cuz you're too scared, Kazuya." I chuckled and gave him a menacing look.

"It's behind the fence." He pointed bluntly.

"..." He's got the same if not a little bit more strength and technique than Caroline. I continued staring at the far end. Caroline would've also been able to hit it over the fence sometimes.

"Don't want to run, Crystal-san?" He gave me a proud look.

I looked at him, with my eyes gleaming with excitement.

"E-eh? A-are you okay? Are y-you s-sick?" Miyuki stuttered as he did not expect my reaction.

"TEACH ME HOW YOU DO THAT I WANT TO LEARN!" I beamed out with enthusiasm.

"And soon I'll be able to beat Caroline in beating so I don't have to do the forfeits again." I thought as I smiled evily in my brain, picturing the glory I would have and that she didn't need to make fun of me for having weak arms anymore.

"You forgot to sprint. I'd like to see how fast you are. Maybe we could race later too."

"I'll show you." I smirked.

I got to the sideline of the field and prepared myself. Taking three deep breaths to fill my lungs with oxygen, I took to my heels. My arms were in a 90 degrees position as I swung them quickly, my legs following along. Soon, I was on the third round. I was panting but didn't even think about giving up. Suddenly, I felt a somewhat familiar sharp pain at my stomach area.

"Ugh, stupid stitches. I might have drunk to much earlier." I whined and rolled my eyes.

Obviously, by the fourth round, my speed has slowed down a little. The pain became more and more painful as U continued to run farther and farther. I placed my right arm on my stomach, gently pressing down a little, hoping to smooth the pain. By that time, I only had half the court left. I sprinted as fast as my legs could take me.

"Nice, nice, Crystal-san!" Miyuki looked at me approvingly.

"You...look stupid... huff like always." My hands were placed on my knees as I huffed and puffed, trying to cool down from the intensive exercise. I looked at the ground as my chest pumped vigorously.

"Not gonna lie, you are quite fast. You might even be a match for Kuramochi. Pretty impressive I must say." He gave me a thumbs up.

"But obviously I'm much better!" Miyuki placed his hand behind his head, looked at his right and kept his nose high arrogantly.

I got up on both my legs and walked past him, ignoring his pride. I took a bat and went to the batting station once again. I could feel him rolling his eyes at me but I ignored it.

"Crystal-san!" A familiar voice rang out to me.

I looked past my shoulder and saw Rita-san waving at me. She was behind the fence that separated the field from the rest of the school.

I leaped over to the fence, excited to see her again.

"Crystal-san! Hey there! You look so cool!" Her eyes were beaming and glistering with excitement. I rubbed my head, blushing from the praise.

"I just had my volleyball training!" She exclaimed, pointing to the indoor sports hall.

"We're having a break now so I came to visit." She smiled widely.

Strike ( OC x Miyuki Kazuya)Where stories live. Discover now