Chapter 32

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I walk into the store feeling a little dazed. Sasha sees me and smiles hugely until she notices my expression.

"Everything okay Cora?" Her voice is full of concern.

"Would you mind if I made a phone call real quick?"

"Not at all. Go right ahead. My office is in the back if you want some privacy."

"Thank you."

Heading to the back I pull my phone out and call Ash. He doesn't answer. I try two more times but still no answer. Just as I put my phone back in my purse and reach the door my phone rings. Relief flows through me as I see it's Ash.


"Baby what's wrong?" His voice was quiet like he didn't want it to carry and someone over hear him.

"I need you to come home."

"Why? What happened?

"It's too much to explain over the phone Ash. I just need you to come home."

"Baby I need to know why. Are you in danger?"

"Maybe. I don't know. I just know something's going to happen when Zeke tells the other elders."

"Zeke? What is Zeke going to tell the others? What happened baby?"

"I'm the vampire Queen." I whisper. He's quiet for so long I was starting to worry.

"Ash? Did you hear me? Are you still there?"

"I'm coming home. I won't be there until late tonight but I'm coming."

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me baby. Stay safe until I get there. I'll kill anyone stupid enough to lay even a finger on you. I love you."

"As if they could." I scoff. "I love you, too." I hang up and leave Sasha's office.

"Everything okay?"

"I don't know."

"How about you start with what happened?"

I told her what happened in the car. Everything Zeke and I talked about. About my demon surficing and how I'm the vampire Queen. By the time I was done Saharrah came in.

"Good afternoon ladies."

"Good afternoon." Sasha and I say together.

Sasha looks over at me with a considering look. "You can't work for me if you're the vampire Queen Cora."

"What? But why not?"

"You're a fucking Queen Cora. People work for you, not the other way around."

I didn't want her to be right. I didn't even know how to be a Queen. I wasn't sure I wanted to be one either.

"Wait, hold up. Who's a Queen?"

"Cora is the vampire Queen. It's a long story. I'll fill you in later."

"Okaaay." I can't help but to laugh at her expression.

My laughter died as I watch who walks into the store behind her though. The rude ass guy from the ball last night. What was he doing here?

Before anyone could move or ask him what he needed he was on top of Saharrah. Sasha screams and seems rooted to the spot. She was clearly going to be no help.

My instincts taking over I find myself ripping him off of her. I send him flying into the air before he crashes into one of the mirrored walls. Shards of glass cover him and the floor around him. Some of the pieces cutting into his skin.

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