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For the first time, Hades had given life instead of taking it. He had given me a new chance. Because of him, I now have the freedom to continue a life that I lost quicker than I had hoped.

When I met him, he was a cruel man, full of hate and spite. But I guess if he was convinced that he had no other choice but to be hated, then he wouldn't see reason to change it.

I loved him too deeply, too late. I loved someone most hated. I loved the man who hurt me more than any other but also loved me more than anyone else ever could.

Although I saw the worst parts of him, I believe I also got to witness the best parts of him. I got to watch him grow into a man who loved the simple parts of his life that we may not even take notice to anymore. He loved the insignificant details and frivolous things but, he loved deeply and honestly.

No one will ever give me the gift that he has and in return, no one will hold my heart as he does. I may love again, but not as I loved him.

But after all, I was right in my assumptions. I believed that his loved would feel the best because of its difficulty to earn and I must admit that to be true. His love felt like new life. His love was consuming and powerful. And I loved him back for it.

It turns out that the Devil's affection was in fact the best kind; and how lucky I feel to have felt it.

So, dearest Hanes, I love you entirely and will continue to love you until the end of my time. I hope to see you again where we met.

Lovingly yours,

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