~Chapter 34~

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Masami's Pov

"Wait till I get you, Princess~ I'll make you stay by my side and never leave me." some random assed voice echoed through my head as my eyebrows meet.

"How can you possibly make me stay by your side? Also, who in the motherfuck are you?" I said.

This is odd.. I'm in a dark room, my hands are tide behind my back. I'm sitting in this cold floor.

I don't know how the fuck I ended up here but bitch, this is creepy as fuck.

"My my~ you'll meet me sooner or later~" he cooed with his disgusting voice. I do feel his voice be familiar but I can't put a finger who.

"Tch.. Why am I here?" I asked with my face scowling.

"Don't worry princess, you're in a place wherr no one can reach nor hear you~" he smirked.

"Bitch I will-" I was cut off as he pulled out a gun from Satan knows where the fuck he pulled that.

"W-What are you gonna do?!" did I fucking stutter? Did I just really? Bitch I never stuttered in front of an enemy but if I do, this is bad news.

"Don't worry darling, your not gonna die~"

"What the act--"





"--actual fuck?!!.... Huh?"

I tilted my head scanning my surroundings. How the fuck am I in my room?

I touched my body for possible gun shot but there was nothing. A sigh escaped my lips as I started to get out of bed but.. The fuck was I being pulled back and lay on my bed.

Thats when I felt arms wrap around my waist and another pair wrapped on my head.

Who the fuc--

I sweatdropped as soon as I saw Kuroo on my left side and Bokuto on the right side.

"Hey, let me go! I need to take fucking bath!!" I said as I struggled to get out from their strong grips.

I was about to be free when they pulled me back down and tighten their grip around my waist and wrapped their thicc-- ahem.. Their legs around my legs.

Bitch- how am I supposed to get ou--

Then a brilliant idea popped in my mind. I inhaled some air and...


Soon as I screamed..


"What happened?!"

"Are you ok?!"

"What the fuck!!"

Akaashi, Sugawara, and Yaku appeared out of no where. They were funny because Suga was wearing a pink apron while holding a knife, Yaku has this maid apron and a bandana on his head while holding a damn feather duster, lastly, Akaashi was also wearing an apron and has gloves on.

"Can you help me? They became a snake all of a sudden, squeezing the fuck outta me." I said and did a grabby hands on them.

They soon martched towards me and smacked their heads. Akaashi smacked Bokuto as Yaku did to Kuroo. Sugawara was helping me get up.

"The fuck! Kuroo, wake yo ugly ass up!"

"Bokuto-san, wake up! Masami is going to die if you keep squeezing her like that!"

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