~Chapter 38~

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I know that the boys are incomplete but imagine the others wearing black suits, looking like some mafia mens. Hehehe~


Masami's Pov

Fuck, they be looking fine~

I looked at everyone and damn! I drolled at the sight of them wearing tuxedoes and some formal shit!

They really be hitting different when they are in formal wear, and they also look very different when wearing casual. Actually, they look different everytime they try something new. Almost all of the time I see them wearing some plain T-shirts and black or white shorts. They all look common, but when we hang-out or go to some mall and they be changing into some stylish casual wears... Damn! They look fucking hot! They could get every girl they want.

"Guys, remember to act like some real mafia, keep a stoic expression or something like that. And if someone asks you wear you belong, simply reply To the Lions and if they don't believe you, show them the coin emblems I gave you." I instructed them, b'cause knowing these idiots, surely they will cause some ruckus.

I let out a sigh and looked over to the captains.

"If something goes wrong, please inform me immediately if you guys don't want to be killed right on the spot." I said sternly and looked at each of them in the eyes with my cold dominating aura.

"Understood." they all replied making me smile.

I turned around and started to walk out the of the house with them following behind me. I forgot to mention the girls. They are protected with some of my guards and also, Tanaka and Noya are there to protect their Goddess.

By the way, this is what I'm wearing

One of the guards opened the limo for me to get in

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One of the guards opened the limo for me to get in. I sat my phat ass down the comfy seat and sighed.

I'm not ready to face my parents tho. Nothing is wrong with us, its just... Ugh, their just overly protective. The reason why they threw a party is to see the and judge the boys if they are worthy to be around me or not.

I sighed again...

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nah, just thinking about something."

I smiled and turned to face Sakusa Kyoomi, who was sitting beside me inside this Limo.

"It's about your parents, isn't it?" he said and adjusted his black leather gloves.

"You do know how to read me, do you?" I chuckled.

Me and Sakusa are not that close, I only talk to him with business matters and not some personal life matters. It really surprised me a bit when he guessed what was I thinking.

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