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It was really weird, I just saw him.. like 25 minutes ago...how can it... how could he.

It made no sense. In the 30 second I looked at a bloody, bruised and broken boy I was trying to figure it all out. What happened to him? and how would he explain this. he was probably figuring out why I was here again while he was always so careful with waiting until I left.

Then it all made sense: waiting for me to drive a away before I could see him get inside, the conversation with the math teacher mounts back, that he can't swim, the anger when I ask about his familie and most importantly the bruises, scars,broken bones and his anger and exited issues (so you guys haven't seen all of his anger and anxiety outburst only the little ones and the one in the closet... sorry about that)

How did no one help him? He is the 'Harry Styles' the populair boy, the boy I've come to know as nice and patiënt but now broken and scared... no one ever noticed..no one ever asked? Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.

He had the face of a dear caught in headlights, utter fear eppon his face especially when he heard the sound of the man behind him.

"Who,s that!" A man yelled "I swear if I find out you're running away, I will find you" he said coming closer. Harry mouthed ' play along' to me so I tried to keep all my questions to myself. When my eyes met the eyes of the men behind Harry I panicked and goosebumps were visible all over my body. " Miss? How can I help you" Harry asked and I frowned, I looked in his emerald eyes his scared but beautiful emerald eyes and understood what he wanted me to do.
"sorry to bother you, I found this phone on the side walk right in front of your house.. I know it's really late but I want to make sure that it gets into the right hands and I saw the lights were on"I started.
" oh that's really sweet of you but it isn't mine, what about you son" the man asked trying to be as friendly as possible Harry shook his head "no I,'m sorry, it's not mine" he responded and I nodded " well then I won't bother you any more, have a nice evening" I continued and walked away. Who the hell askes a house if a phone is there's at 4 in the morning... you stupid.

I went back to my house and fell on the couch... how.. I- I never... he was all alone.. no one to help him.. or hug him to say that it was going to be alright and that it will get better... no one to swipe his tears away.. if he has any left... he has never shown a sign of weakness or sadness up until now.. without realising it I found myself crying.

He was so kind to me... and was hurting himself. Was he ever going to tell me? Probably not, I've known him for what 5/6 mounts? Now he wil most likely get in trouble because of me. How many beatings did he get because of me? That time he slept at my house... he was so angry at me for not waking him up..

It was all coming to me so quickly. I am a A student and if I say so myself pretty smart but I never figured it out.. it was so obvious.

Sleeping wasn't an option anymore and calling Harry what I've done the past few weeks if I couldn't sleep ,wasn't either.

So I just stared in front of me for hours. I didn't feel like sleeping or eating or tv or anything.. I just felt guilty... really really guilty.

When the sun came up again I pushed myself to the kitchen. I had to eat even if I didn't feel like it. School wasn't starting in a while and I didn't know where or when I would see him again. What if the man saw that Harry knew me and Harry would be hit even more because of me.

An hour later I got a text from my brother saying that he would be home tonight. I don't know why I taught that it would be Harry because I still have his phone.

I decided to take a walk, just to get my mind of things. Maybe it wasn't even true and he just fell or something, maybe my mind was just making up stuff. I mean there could be tons of explanations and I can only get them from one person. Maybe I should go to his house? Or I could leave him a note!

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