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When I woke up the next morning at 11:00. I had absolutely nothing to do.I have no school (even do I,m never disappointed about that) and well I don't have Harry to tutor today I,m of of work today and the shelter is closed. Although.... I have those episodes of 13 reasons why that are like calling my name. Oké forget what I said. I have something to do.

I grasped a pair of joggers and a jumper showered and put my hair in a comfortable position. I grasped some serial from downstairs and went to the cinema. Why can life be so good to you when it wants to? Just me some serial and Netflix, what a wonderful day it turned out to be.

When I was 4 episodes in I got a texts

From: the T-ster
Hey Ellie, how is it going with my favourite human beingg. :)

To: the T-ster
Oh it's going going great, thank you for asking.

From: the T-ster
Oké thats great, do you want to do anything with your favourite person.

To: the T-ster
Oh honey, my dad is at work. You know he works in the week ends.

From: the t-ster

To: the t-ster
Oké, oké what did you have in mind.

From: the T-ster
You know watching a movie, eating and don't forget! The sleep over :)))

To:the T ster
Where, what time with what food?

And when I send that I heard my bell ring. So I stood up and went to the door. Where I of course saw the snake.

"Heeeeeeeey, I,m here" thimothee said "and I brought food " he said with a smile. "T I like just send you the tekst, how come you were here?" I asked. " yeah well you didn't really have a choice, I would've come either way " he said with a smirk and of course I let him in. You would think. but Ellie don't you have like that thingie at your gate? Yeah well me my dad and Justin have known Timothee sinds like he was born and his folks are like my second ones so he gotb a card. And I,m really starting to question that decision. He went straight to the cinema with the food.

" oh my god I,m like one episode further than you. We can watch it together if you want? " he asked suggesting to 13 reasons why " oh yeah that's great" I replied happily

(I,m not going to spoiler anything just so you know) "OH MY LORD, why the heck would they do that as an ending. No no no no COME BACK" I said crying " why would they do that to me, to us!" I said still crying " calm down Ellie " Timothee said without one tear " NO, why would they do that..." I said still in shock about the ending.

" come on El I will chose a movie" he said while patting my back. We were half way in the movie and Timothee was distracted with it but I was texting Harry. He started, just saying.

From Harry:
So is the movie nice?

To Harry:
Yeah it's fine, you are distracting me a bit.

From Harry:
Oh am I now. You can always put your phone away ;)

To Harry:
Okay will do.

From Harry;
NO NO, it was a joke.

To Harry:

To Harry:
So wat are you doing?

From Harry:
You know the usual, hanging out with friends and some people I don't know.

To Harry:
And you're texting me? While you're there?

From Harry:
I like talking to you.

To Harry:
We're texting

From Harry:
Okey Elisabeth, I like texting you.

To Harry:
Is Harry an abbreviation of something?

From Harry:
Yes but I wil never tell you.

to Harry:

from Harry:

To Harry
Then I will stop texting you ;/

From Harry:

Goodbye Elisabeth :|

"What are you doing?" I heard on my right " oh you know, texting" I replied "texting who?" He asked " the kid I tutor" I said " yeah, who are you tutoring by the way? When Kim asked she kinda got distracted" he said " oh you know.... Harry" I said the last word a bit softer " did I hear that right?" He 'asked' shocked " did you just say Harry as in Harry styles. As in THE HARRY STYLES" he said " Oke calm down" I said calmly " no EL I will not be calm, you see every girl being obsessed with that boy?" He said " I don't want you to be one of them" I was kinda shocked " yeah but I won't, have you taken a good look at me? " I said " he wouldn't even want me even IF I wanted him" I continued . " that's not truth" he denied " oh come on, the whole school knows it" I said " but I really don't want to talk about it " " Ellie I- " " I said I didn't want to talk about it. So don't..... just... let's continue the movie. " I said upset. " Ellie" he said stern " now you listen to me okey? You are a beautiful person in and out so don't tell me otherwise "he said " I only want to hear positive things about yourself" he watched me intensely " you know it's not that easy Tim" I mean it wasn't. "I love you okay? Your like the best person I know so don't talk about yourself in that way" he said " I love you to" I replied with a smile and we continued the movie.

Oke so I feel like I need to apologise for this chapter. It actually sucks so I,m sorry, it was really late and I wanted a chapter made so I made this one and now when I read it... it isn't good. Not that anything I write is good but still. This one is just :/ I just wanted you guys to know that they texted and that her and Timothee are good friends. But I don't think I did that right so I,m sorry!

OH AND FAST I don't know if I have shown that Harry is like super populair or something but that he has trust and a little bit of anger issues! Just so you know. As you can see Timothee Chalament is playing you know Timothee sooo!! ( he is kinda populair but he likes or Elisabeth so he stays with her. And doesn't wander of to his friends

Oké wel gtg!! Love you

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