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I took my seat near the window, away from every one. I mean I wasn't really bullied or anything, yeah some people call me names but I can handle that. I understand math I do but I,m just very lonely...and that's what makes me dislike this class. I don't really have classes with timothee and Kimberly or at least not today
We had a math test last week and were getting back our paper, but when I god mine I was kinds shocked. I got a 'B'. How can that happen? I did so well.... Oke don't stress Olivia you will go to the teacher after class and ask how you can get the extra point.

I'm a little bit of a control freak when it's about grades. They have to be an A I won't throw a fit when that doesn't happen but that doesn't mean I,m not going to freak out.

————————after class————————

after class I waited so that almost everyone was out and I could talk to the teacher in private.
" mr. Ly?" I asked  little nerves.
"Yes Miss Drake how can I help you." He was a very tall big man around his 40s, but he didn't look intimidating. More like a big teddy bear.
" yes well I god a B on my test?." I said more as a question then fact.
"Yeah? And?" He asked a little confused as why I was asking.
"Can I maybe get extra points? I mean I would do almost anything. I haven't had a B in a long time and I,m not planing on keeping it" I said exaggerating the word anything (before you thing she meant anything sexual THAT IS NOT WHAT SHE MEANS, just clearing that out for the people that need a lot of holy water to clear there thoughts. Me included xd") I guess he was thinking because he was quiet for a minute.
"Can you come to my class after lunch?" He asked.
"Yes, yes of course " I said getting happy that he maybe has something for my extra points.

Two classes past were I was just sitting alone I didn't have my friends with me on those periods. So when lunch began I ran to my friends Timothee and Kimberly and told them I couldn't eat with them. And then I sprinted to math. When I got there I saw mr.ly  sitting in his desk talking to a other person.

When I got closer I saw the brown curls and the goddess body of Course..... Harry styles . The literal god of Easton high was chatting with my math teacher, well we do have the same class so I think it's our math teacher.  When I got closer to the door I only heard pleading. I know I should be listening but I was called to be here so..... I kinda you know.... want to hear there conversation.
"Please sir I will do anything pleas don't do that" the deep raspy voice said
"Harry I,m sorry but you need someone to set you straight and if I look at your grades I,m  not that person" mr. Ly said. He just BURND Harry styles, he could het fired... I think, I,m not really sure what  harry has on this school but maybe he could get someone fired? I don't know all I know is that I need to get far away from him.
"Sir I will do everything you want but pleas don't call my father, he uhm.... you know.... won't be pleased with me and... Uhm.. I don't want to get in to trouble" (again keep it together guys) Harry was almost on his knees while saying this. And I had enough so I knocked on the open door. Four eyes where on me and I was still waiting until I was allowed in, Harry looked pissed, probably because I walked in and he knows I heard something? I don't know but if the Harry styles begs for something, it must be very important. I don't know why I talk so highly of him, but I am just mocking Kim a bit.

I've heard that Harry gets everything he wants when he wants. Of course I've nothing to be mad about but still, I work very hard for every grade. I have no idea what his personality is. I've only heard Kimberley speaking while drooling over him and his guys sinds I knew her so that is the only information I have. But as far as I can tell.. he isn't any good.

"Come one in miss drake" that was al I needed and I walked in , standing next to a very angry and scared boy.
"So Miss Drake I just come up with the perfect idea, and Harry this will help you to" Harry who was staring at me with dagger eyes looked at him .
"Yes sir?" Harry said a little to quickly.
" Oke so Elisabeth you want extra points and Harry you want me to not call your dad?"
Harry and I both nodded.
"Great great, oke so I came up with this idea just now but it's actually really helpful for the both of you" he said and I was getting a little impatient, this is still my break and I need food. "oke so I think that it would be great if Elisabeth would touter you Harry, this means that if Harry gets a good grade on his math test I will not call your dad Harry and Olivia I will give you an A" he explained. I was a little dumbfounded by this, I mean I didn't thing that I would have to tutor anyone and Harry of all people, Harry freaking styles are you kidding me. If I agree well my looks wouldn't be my last worry anymore every girl in the whole city would or kill me or make me which I didn't even look at Harry styles. But when I was deciding how to say no, Harry spoke up "sir I don't get it, if she had to get her grade up, why does she tutor me, I mean wouldn't it be better if I gets someone who is good at this? I mean I know a few" Harry says I can't really blame him, I mean I don't even want to do this. "sir I don't know, I don't think this is a very good idea and if anything he is right" this was the only answer I could think off. "Elisabeth  this is your only chance" said mr.ly "and Mr.styles Elisabeth is very good at math, she got a B but the rest of her tests are flawless. I am giving you both  one option and you have until tomorrow to disuse this so no-" he points to Harry "you are not getting someone else, it's miss drake or no one" mr ly said
And Harry kept looking at me. "Yes sure I will do it" harry said mr.ly gave him a nod and I let out a sight. " you may leave now, you can discuss wat you want to do later Elisabeth "
We walked out of the classroom. "Could you maybe cooperate. I need to get these grades up and impertinently you want your B up so-" harry started "I don't know if I want to tutor anyone" I replied en he sighed " I really don't want to be in trouble and when my dad finds out.... you know .. I just don't have other options " he said looking at me " I don't want to do this believe me ,but I really need this to work" he said and looked at me. I can't just let someone get in trouble if I can help it " fine" I replied he gave me a smile

I wanted to leave after that so I gave Harry a quick but awkward wave and turned my back to him so I could walk away. When I felt a hand on my wrist I was a little shook. I turned around and saw harry staring at me, he let go of my wrist and waited for my to speak."what?" I ask as politely as possible. " your house after school?"he said with a voice that said 'offishly'. And I didn't know what he meant. I guess Harry saw my lack of  knowledge because he continued "you know for the tutoring" wow Elisabeth you are such a cow. " oh sorry" I said with a light chuckle. I,m so awkward " yeah that's fine but I do have to wait for my brothers soccer practice " I said even tho I know he has the same practice. My brother was a good player but not as good as Harry. Harry was their star player and the captain of the team and my brother had a spot on that team. "great I have the same practice" he said confirming my thoughts. " see you then" I said and he gave a nod. When I turned around I heard Harry's friends call for him "Heey Harry!" They al yelled and when I turned around I saw Harry giving at least 20 people a bro hug. Must be exhausting. 

did I tell you that I have my classes with Harry? we obviously don't talk or anything. No one really talked to me except my two friends and the teachers. So when I walked in my last class and saw that Stephanie was sitting a place behind mine. I don't want to shame any girls because I am al for the "we girls have to stick together" but Stephanie didn't wanna stick . Stephanie had blond hair she was kinda tall and she was actually kinda pretty. Shame that she didn't have a great personality. I went to my seat but before I could sit on it Stephanie spoke " HA, you really think you can Sit near me with that ugly face of yours you must be joking" she said, I wasn't really hurt by this I mean I get this a lot actually. Normally I ignore it because I,m very insecure but I,m not doing it now. " so why do you sit here while you know that this is my seat?" I know it isn't really a burn or anything but at least I said something back, normally I am just quite  "Is this pig talking back to to me?" Stephanie said to her so called 'friends' "guess I am" I said even tho she wasn't talking to me. " oke nerd you have like 2 seconds to get a way from my girl" the boyfriend of Stephanie said and this got me a little scared I mean I've heard really disturbing stories of him. So I grasped my stuff and went to  another seat while I heard the group of Stephanie laugh. But before I dosed of I heard Harry say "that's not funny" and everyone stopt laughing.

Pretty mean don't you think.
I mean it isn't that bad but this was just a little reminder that people hate her for her looks.
I love you guys
Stay safe!

Not so perfectOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora