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I was running trough my room, exited for what was about to happen. I was so exited to go to my appointments.

I was going to my closet throwing everything out. I never liked any of it, I just wanted to have things I didn't like to prove something to my self, I don't know what but I,m glad it's over. I was going shopping after I had done everything.

It was time to go so I sprinted to my car, the fort appointment was with the eye optician to get contacts.

--------skip car ride---------

I stepped out of the car and went inside. "Good morning" said the cashier when I walked in. "Good morning, I had an appointment?" I asked politely and she nodded " what's you name ma'am?" She asked " Elisabeth drake" I answered "oh I see, take a seat I will be right with you."

It took about 30 minutes and she said I would have them in 2 days, what was to be expected.

My appointment at the barber was a 13 minute walk and my appointment started in about 20 minutes.

When I arrived she was already done with her client. " hello" I said "hello" she replied " you had an appointment?" She asked and I nodded "yes I did, my name is Elisabeth drake" she smiled at me and told me to take a seat.

" so how can I help you" she asked while pulling my braid out. "Well I need a haircut that fits with my face" I said and she nodded " And as you can see, I have no idea how to handle my hair or how to style it, I to have no idea how to keep it a life and healthy" I pointed out " So I would like some tips and products for that, if you have any of course" I added. "Yes I can help you with all of that, is there anything else?" She asked "no that's all" I smiled

"You can style your hair like this-..... or like this-..........this to is beautiful with your head- ........ this is an option to-"she was showing me how I could wear my hair and I loved al of them. My favourite was just loose, because my hair imperially fell in to soft wavy curls.

" oké so I will give you these products, I,m sure it wouldn't matter you look so pretty right now" she complemented and I could die right there on the spot. No one has ever said that expert my dad. "T-tank you so much" I gave her the money "keep the Change" I demanded "thank you" she replied. After that I left the store with a more confident feeling. I had to wait an hour for my doctors appointment so I went to a little restaurant around the counter.

After I ate it was time to go. I got to the dokter. She gave me some pils for the acne and said that the products I got from the beauty salon were good and wouldn't harm my face.

I was al done with al the things I had planned except for shopping. So I went o got my self a lot of new clothes. Really cute sweaters, crop tops , t shirts, a few mini shirts, dresses, 4 pairs of skinny jeans, a pair of mom jeans, 2 pairs of sneakers and some boots, 3 coats, lots of jewellery and some other stuff. My dad gives money to buy clothes with but I never really used it until now. I bought a lot.

It felt absolutely fantastic to just be a little confident, people were looking at me and boys were trying to talk to me. It was kind of scary so I now know I don't want do go there alone anymore.

There was only one thing on the list that I wanted to do. I surged on my phone where I could get the best make-up artist to teach me how to do my make up. And I found one, he explained every step of someone's make up routine. From basic to out going to naturel, it was amazing. He gave me some products and did my face, I looked in the mirror. I looked fine, really fine. I thanked him and left his clinic. It was time to go home. I had already put my bags in my car so it was easy to get there.

----------Harry,s POV-------
I was currently at Zayn's place just chilling with the boys. I knew I had to go home. I haven't been home for four days and my father is not gonna let me get away with it.

"Hey boys, I have to go" I announced "you serieus H?" Liam asked and I nodded. I gave them al a bro hug and left. It was going to be a long walk, so I decided to call Elisabeth.

" Hello Elisabeth speaking how may I help you?" She asked "hey Elisabeth" I responded and it fel quit for a few seconds. " why are you calling so late?" She asked "Well I just wanted you to know that I wasn't scared for what other people tough if they saw us. " I explained " its just really complicated alright and I can't explain why I did it but it wasn't because of you oke?" I continued "w-well it seemed like it" she stuttered. " Elisabeth really, I can even prove it to you okey? What do you want me to do, post a picture of you on my story?" I said but she fell silent again. " I'll take that as a yes, give me 10 seconds" I posted the video of her and me watching a movie, I was gonna get questions but I don't really care.

"Why come with this now?" She asked out of the blue. "what do you mean" I questioned "Well you haven't spoken to me in 4 days, why now?" she repeated "I wanted to talk to you, of course I did. I just thought you wouldn't want to talk to me so I didn't want to bother you, until now" I explained. " you just made me look like a fool Har" (you pronounce it as Hair but that would be confusies if I wrote that way) "I'm really really sorry oké" I begged. "You didn't have to tel me why you did it you still don't but you could've at least said something like 'El it isn't because of you it's something else, I don't want to explain' and I would've been oke with that answer" whe rambled and I nodded for my self "I know and I,m a dick and it was really stupid of me, can you please forgive me ." I begged a. "You're lucky I,m in a good mood" she chuckled and I let out a sight in relief. "Thank you" I smiled. "I can't wait to show you something, I've been busy the past two days you're going to be shocked" she said probably with a smile on her face. " I would love to see it ,could you give me a hint?" I asked "no, no I won't. I,m so happy about it dough" she said and I smiled "then I,m happy for you." I responded " well I have to go Har I just got home" she said "oké bye Elisabeth" I responded "bye Harry"

Now it was time for me to go home.

--------Elisabeth POV--------

When I came home i ran upstairs to my room to try my clothes. It was quite an exercise to get everything upstairs so I had to take a 5 minute break.

When my brake was over I could wait to try it on. I took my glasses of and dressed in a few clothes. I was speechless...

It felt as if in this moment, I could take on he whole world.

I ran downstairs

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I ran downstairs. "Look dad, look " I said with the brightest smile on my face" he looked at me and fell silent "do you like it? You don't do you, you hate it" I ranked but he shook his head. "Hunny you look absolutely..... gorgeous" I got little tears in my eyes. " D-do you mean that dad?" I asked and he nodded. "What's happening" Justin said walking in the room. He hasn't seen me the past 2 days. "Who is this" he said smiling " your sister you dumb ass " I said and slapping my mouth shut not a millisecond later. Where did that came from. "Ellie, seriously. Where my ugly dwarf" he said "right here, I,m going upstairs dad" I gave him a kiss and left the room.

It was time to go to bed.

I hope you liked the chap. I don't know if I did it right but pleas give me fear back <3 bye

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