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When I arrived home I was greeted by my brother. " so what's up with you and Harry styles?" He asked " oh nothing special, I have to tutor him." I said. Not really bothered by it at al, I mean I will have it a lot busier then I had but I don't really mind.

" Oh oke I really, thought you guys where maybe a banging or something like that but I know that can never happen. I don't really know Harry but I know I wouldn't step so low" he said. " what do you mean?" I asked even do I know what he meant. "Come on Ell look at yourself" he said as if it was dat obvious. I kept quiet. " I mean no one want to be greeted by that in the morning ,right." He said bitterly and chuckled at the end. Why was he saying this I mean I didn't do anything. " I don't know what to say" is al I said. while tears were forming in my eyes, ugh my piriod is probably around the corner . " you do not have to say anything I just explained that you are far to ugly. And impertinently naive." He said. I was pretty hurt by this why was he saying al these things to me . He is supposed to be my family right? Well he is like this ever sinds he heard dad was giving me the company when he retired or I was done with study's. And I only had Harry over for tutoring and I explained why so why do I deserve this? I only want my grade to be perfect." when did I became a mirror" oke this was all I could think of I know its like the saddest etempt of a comeback but it was this or crying and I don't want to to that. Jason started laughing and I still don't know what is going on. "you are so pathetic " he laughed bitterly. And hit me. I feld my tears streaming down my face and ran to my room.

I slamed the door shut (hoping my dad wasn't at home) and started crying. I mean yeah I,m not pretty but did by own brother have to comment like that. I know I can't have Harry and I actually don't want him. Kimberley would kil me . she has been dreaming about him or one of the other boys for years and I don't even know him. when I was done with crying I switched my outfit with my night gown. I graped some food that I hide in my drawer and looked in the mirror. I don't like who is looking back at me. dose stupid glasses, braces, acne I hate it.

I don't exacly know why but I started crying again. I mean I don't know why I keep looking like I do but I don't want to chance because they said so. When the moment is right I want to chance, on my own terms. I stoped crying and smiled , I did a peace symbool with my hands towards the mirror (why do I always do this after a menal breakdown. I,m so awkward) I finished my Snicker bar brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter.

Love you guys

stay save!


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