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"Where am I?" I asked. I have absolutely no clue what has happened. " hey, Olivia right?" A sweet voice asked " in the flesh" I replied back " okey that's great, do you know what happend?" She asked and I shook my head "well you past out, you were probably really shaken up" she said and I kept thinking 'what happend to me?' So I asked " what happend to me exactly?" I asked " wel as far as I heard from the boy who brought you in, you were beaten" she said and now I remembered. I want to go home " can I leave?" I asked sweetly. Not wanting to come over as rude to someone who helped me. " yes, of course. I can give you a paper so that you can go home? Look pretty hurt" She said " that would be lovely" and she wrote the paper " thank you so much." I said with a smile and she nodded and smiled back. I left I brought my paper to the person who goes around that and left the building.

How can my brother be so cruel, about a company or Harry I don't even know why he is being like this. And I won't take it . If dad had given him the company I would of course be angry , yes I mean I am his child to I should get something but I would never be this cruel. I was in my own taught until I snapped out of it, by no other then him. "where are you going?!" My brother asked " home " I replied back while walking to my car " no, you beter pick me up. And don't tell dad about this little stunner you pulled." He said. As if I did it "excuse you?" I said angry. How dare he "you are not driving with me not ever again, and the stunt I pulled? Are you kidding me?! You literally beat me with your selfish, narcissistic, hypocritical ass of yours!" I said. And I got a slap in the face " you think you can speak to me like that? I don't even know what some of those words mean" he said. As I expected. " and then you wonder why.." I said but I stoped. I,m not this person I don't let people feel bad about themselves. "Wonder wat?" He asked bitterly " nothing " I said " WONDER WHAT OLIVIA" he screamed and I got instantly really scared .

" is there a fūcking problem here?!" I heard on my left and I sigh in relief "oh your little fūck body comes to your rescue." He said " night in shining armour" he said sarcastically "well 'Harry' can you waste your 'precious time' to someone else and not my sister. And could you just leave me alone. I am her brother and I deserve respect from her" he said and Harry hit him. In the nose to be specific "you don't deserve respect from anyone, and you especially don't deserve respect from Elisabeth" he said "Harry don't be so petetic" he said with a smile " You can have her as long as I she does wat I ask of her" he continued " and if she doesn't she should be thought to do so. You would understand, wouldn't you? I mean didn't you do that with your mother when you killed her" he said and Harry,s ayes changed. And I think that Justin saw the anger in his eyes because he took a step back. But it was a little to late, Harry was now fighting him. You can't really call it fighting because Harry was superieur. My brother cried " Olivia pleas help" he said while crying while Harry was still on top of him. "Harry?" I said " Harry could you stop pleas?" I asked softly but hard enough so he could hear. He slowed down " come on Harry, it's alright" I said and Harry looked at me. Still sitting on top of my brother but stopping with the violence " come one Harry" I said with probably disappointment in my ayes " I-I um" he began. He stepped op my brother and stood there watching me. I grasped the arm of my brother. " come on Justin, this is the last time you will sit in my car"I said while pulling him to his feet. "I can help?" Harry sheepishly asked " no, thank you tough" I said. And he looked disappointed, probably in himself. "I-I,m really sorry" he said. And even tho I thought I was angry at him and I don't like violence I didn't blame him. " I Uhm.." I could say it was okay but I don't want him to think that it is. I don't blame him but he has to know that this is not okay to do" I,m bringing him to a hospital" I said because my brother looked as if he was struck by a truck. "Uhm yeah, do you need me to drive or go with you or even pay for the hospital bills or something." He said and is shook my Head. He stijl stood there and I took that as a chance to leave. I tried to take my brother to the car but I am to weak to do so. I think Harry saw it and helped him in the car " are you sure?" Hé asked and I nodded " I-I... I really don't want to sound like I don't care or something but... could you maybe not tell anyone that I did this... I really don't want my father to find out" he said with scared eyes. " I won't " I said " he had it kinda coming but if you do this one more time" I said. I think he knows I don't stand by his actions. " thank you and I won't." He said and he stepped in the car. Harry got out of the way and I left to the hospital.

Hope you liked it!


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