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Hey my name is Elisabeth. Elisabeth Olivia Drake, but people call me Ellie or El. I,m 17 years old and I,m in my 12 Year of high school at Eastwood high. I don,t have many friends probably because of the way I look? Why am I asking you guys you have no idea what I look like. I have really long brown hair what I mostly put up In a braid ,Green eyes, glasses , braces ,I struggle with acne and I,m not very tall but not to short.( this Is btw in no way an attach to people with acne,glasses, braces etc etc and who look like the person I,m describing now, you are beautiful and I love you I just need to describe this and I personally don't think this is ugly I'm just brain storming ) I do have two very good friends who I love dearly. I also volunteer at a animal centre and I work as a barista ( gotta do something with my time) I live in Holmes chapel with my little brother and father. My mom left me and me and my family when I was a little baby so I don,t remember her. My dad is a businessman and unfortunately isn't at home much. We do have a pretty big house because of it but I would prefer him home. I,m not going to whine about that because I have it so much better then a lot of people in the world ,unfortunately. Today it's Monday and I,m just getting ready for school even tho I don't do much of preparing. Just hop in the shower ,change clothes, braid My hair and make breakfast for my brother and father. We have a cook but I tel her to come later and pretend like she made breakfast so she can sleep in. Most of the time I wake my brother because I don,t wanna be late. You would think "but Ellie why don't you just leave him home and go to school alone" we'll because my father wants me to bring Jason to school everyday.

I went to his room and knocked on the door.. no response. I knocked again... no response. You have got to be kidding me. I opened the door and saw the pig laying in is bed fast asleep. Let me say my brother doesn't look cute when he sleeps .
"Jason" I whispered no sign of consciousness. I was already sorry for what I was about to do but he left me no choice. I grasped the duvet and tossed it across the room when he didn't wake up I grasped the glass of water that was on his nightstand and threw the contend on his face. " what the hell" was al he said before looking at me and looked as if I killed his dog. I gave him a look that said "I,m sorry but I had to" and showed him the time. He had 15 minutes to get ready and eat and I don't know how he does it. When time was up I drove us to school. There was traffic so we were gonna be late...great. To kill time I turned on the radio but turned it of when they started talking about a soccer match and then I remembered something.

"Do you have soccer today?" I said in a voice dat expressed 'I already know' " yes you are taking me home right?" he said more then asking " yeah fine " I gave in there was no change I was saying no to my brother now."What time?" I asked " uhm, around 15:05, that is oke with you right?" he asked al dough I already said yes. trust me when I say that I would prefer spending my time cleaning underwear of old people then watching the soccer practice of my brother. Don't get me wrong there actually isn't something wrong with soccer, yes you heard that from me but the players is what makes me not wanna go. The soccer players at our school like rule the school they are abnormally populair and must I say hot..my brother isn't really one of them and not all soccer players have that status, yes they get more followers then others but there are five in particular that have power or at least the power popularity gives you at out school with one in particular. " Oke ,I will be there" is what I said while we drove in a parking spot.

"Now I,m late" I said irritated
"That is not my problem " he said while we walked trough the door to our lockers. " bye, see you at 15 " he yelled
" yeah, bye"

I walked trough the corridors to my locker picked up my books wnr went straight to my class, I was absolutely thrilled to have math ( NOTE THE SARCASME) I opent the door and there were 20 heads turned to the door where I was standing, oh my god "hello there guys " I what I said a little to awkward while waking to my table .Who in the world says 'hello there guys' like what am I thinking, I,m so stupid. Oke why am I overthinking this ,like literately nobody cares. Oke well

Here weg go.

I,m really sorry for the short chapter ( fell asleep )
Love you
Stay save

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