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When the bell rung I saw Timothee standing at the door. "Hey Tim whats up?" I asked curious. I was pushed out of the way and heard 'pig' behind me, like serieus be more creative you could have come up with so many names but they always use the same.'pig' 'rat' 'loner' 'to ugly' 'snob' 'nerd' like serieus like look up a romance movie and you only hear that. To bad this isn't one..... I was snapped out of my thoughts by Timothee.

"Earth to Ellie!" Timothee said while waving. "Oh sorry I got a bit lost in thoughts, what are you doing here?" I asked and saw Harry coming to the door way. "While we have lunch and uhm.... I wanted to apologise for you know... this morning. I know you don't like violence and you warned me but I just I don't know I ju -" I interrupted "Tim I,m not angry" I said with a smile "nor upset" I finished "your not?" He asked " No, I am actually glad you wanted to protect me from you know..." I said while Harry walked past. He turned around and looked at me opens his mouth but then closed it and walked away. " But you aren't mad or upset or hurt from my actions?" He asked again " no tom, I can even prove it." I said and he lifted one eyebrow "I've God muffins from Mc" I said and I smiled "you'r kidding" he said "I will give you one" I said "for what price?" He said with a smirk "you owe me". I said smiling and walking away, Tim followed.

We took a seat in the cafeteria, I gave him a muffin and we started to just talk. "So, we should do something this week !" He said "yes I would like that" I said smiling " so when do you have work and when do you violenter?" He asked " Uhm I have to work tomorrow" I said " and I don't have to worry about the shelter anymore" I said and he looked confused "why not?" He asked "well I went in the morning and they told me that it was closed." I explained "what?!" He said shocked " yeah, it we really upsetting it was one of the reasons I left" I said while trying to hold my wrist. But I flinched. " and that" het said pointing to my wrist "and that of course" I said " you were to a part in my departure" I said with a smirk " oh" his face fell "but it doesn't matter so don't be weird" I said smiling at him and he smiled back. " we should go somewhere tonight, maybe party or just eat somewhere" he said "and I like to party" he said with a wink "I don't know Tim" I said disappointed that he brought it up. "But think about it!" He pleaded "you know I can't think about it when it is tonight." I said obvious " wel today it is Tuesday and there is a party on a Saturday... so you could think about it..." he said with puppy eyes. "How dare you" I said "I know you can't resist them..." he said doing it again "I...I will think about it Oke?" I said and he nodded. After that Kimberley joined and we talked some more then the bell rung and we got up. He gave me a hug same as Kimberley and we separated.

...skip school (they didn't have the class where they are partners)....

I walked out of the school and went to my car. I saw Justin leaning against it and I walked up to the car. "Could you move please? I have to get to my house." I says "Ellie... I" he started "No, I said what I wanted to say, I think it's best if you leave now " I said looking at him "but I,m sorry" he said " for what exactly?" I asked wanting him to think about what he has done. He walked up to me. I took a step back " well you know for uhm... hurting you... and beating you... and texting Harry...." he said and I thought about it " what exactly have you send to him?" I asked and he looked away " Justin I can ask it to you or to Harry" I knew I wouldn't but he doesn't "and if you don't say it I won't even think about taking your apologie" I said and he sighed "Oke wel... you know that you knew that he killed his mother or something... and I uhm kinda told him in texts when he sent you that apologie that.... uhm... that he probably raped his mother right before he put a knife in her and that he wanted to do the same to , you know... to you and that you... uhm... were going to tell the whole school and that your brother would help you because he stands by you... and that you would tell his father because he deserved to know.... and uhm maybe that when you went to school the next morning you would tell the principal that he raped you, because he touched your brother.... I wrote this in sentences that you would write so uhm ... you know now you can take my apologie no-" I stoped him with a slap in his face "father had given you everything... his love.. his money... and most of the time he gives YOU he gives you his time when he is at home " I began "how can it be that my little brother is so hartles..." I said with disappointment " you know... I have no idea what Harry has really done to you to deserve this. And me for that matter... you have said al this cruel things on my account." "How can... I.... I knew you were a cruel and I knew you had anger issues but how can it that you are... this " I pointed to him

"that boy lost his mother Justin.... his mother, Just like us. He wont ever get her back and he has no chance to... I have no idea how that woman past away but you had no right.... to assume such things... and you know that that is not true... he lost his mother and you threw it in is face... " I said " I know you miss our mother or a mother figure to teach you how to live with your feelings but this" I said pointing to him again "You have broken the trust he had in me... I tried really hard to gain a little bit of it. And you stole it from me" " first you make fun of me, then you bully me, then you hit me, kick me, and I don't know what else, then you threaten me, you talk about me as if i,m an animal, your animal, then you steal my stuff , Steal my privacy and take a friend from me while you know how hard they are to get for me... " " I don't now what is going on with you 'little brother' but this is sick, you make me sick" I said "I would really like to drive home now...alone" I said and he had a tear in his eyes. He stepped out of the way but opened his mouth "Ellie pleas forgive me..." he said and I helt my door "I,m not the only one you should apologise to" I said softly but hard Enough so he could hear and then I shut my door and drove of.

Oké so I want her to forgive Harry... but it has only been one day.... so I do not know what to do...

I to want you guys to understand that Harry lost his cool and she didn't expect that (what if he does it again you know? But worse ) it is a pretty bad bruise so that wasn't great either.

I want you to know that Olivia never really knew that Harry,s mother died. Kimberley spoke of it a few times and Justin said it one time but she never really paid attention. Of course Harry didn't rape nor kill his mother. She died naturally.

Harry lost his cool because he thought Olivia was gonna do such things. He knew deep down she wasn't going to it but he has trust issues. He is the populair boy of course so if he said something didn't happen most people would be on his side but he could't risk it... probably.

Oh and I,m sorry for the many violence. I mentioned that Olivia doesn't like violence but lately it is in every chapter so I,m rally sorry!

Hope I cleared this rollercoaster up!


Not so perfectNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ