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I woke up the next morning and texted Harry.

To Harry: picking you up at 8:05 so be ready!!

From Harry: will do

I started up the shower after that I dressed in some stupid leggings and an oversized sweater. With some fillip flops under it. I of course braided my hair.

I went downstairs and wacht some tv, I already told our cook that I didn't need breakfast so she knew. When it was time to go I grabbed my stuff and walked to my car. I sang to adel and when I arrived at Harry,s house he was already outside.

"Come in" I yelled and he did. "Heey" he said to me and I waved. He stepped in the car and I drove of. " you really didn't have tot do this, I could've asked someone to drive me" he said. " oh come on, I wanted Starbucks, you're just a plus" I replied and he smiled at me.

"I am going to tutor you today, what time are you free?" I asked. "Uhm well I kinda already going whit ste-.... 5, 5 is fine, I have football practice dough" he said and I nodded. " I'm going to be at the game Saturday" he smiled " really?" He asked and I nodded. "You better win" I smiled "for you? Of course" he replied

We arrived at Starbucks and went inside.
"Good morning" the cashier smiled and looked Harry up and down. " good morning" he replied back and her smile grew.

"So how may I serve you?" Asked the cashier Harry a little to flirty "I would like a latte and my friend wants-" he turned around "what do you want" he whispers "I'll pay for my self " I said with a smile and he shook his head "no I'll pay now what do you want" he asked again "I guess a black coffee pleas" he nodded and turned around "and a black coffee" the cashier looked at me with a disgusted face and then looked at Harry again "what's your name?" She asked only Harry "for the latte Harry and the black coffee Elisabeth" she smiled and nodded "that wil be £8,60 pleas" he paid and we walked away to wait for our order.

" you really didn't have to pay for me" I said and he looked at me "of course I did your my favourite driver" he smiled and I laughed " Sure"

"Harry" the cashier from earlier yelled. Harry grabbed our drinks and we walked to the car. I looked at the name on my cup and it said 'elisacow" I laughed a little. You kinda get used to it after awhile and this one was not good.

"So Harry" I said with nothing in mind "so" he replied "are you exited for vacation?" I asked but he shook his head "not really no" he said and I looked at him " really? Why not, I expected you to like go party and stuff or just relax at home, who wouldn't want that" I said and he stiffens a bit "I don't know, it would mean less football and I won't see my friends as much" he said and I nodded "I guess that are good reasons yeah, but you can always stop by, my dad is going a way for work and me and my brother are home alone" I said with a smile but he frowned " I will, especially now you said that you and your brother will be alone" he said "don't think that will end up that well, and I don't care what you say but I'll 'talk' to him about yesterday" he said " no you wil not and I still have to give you more swimming lessons" I said again smiling and he smiled "indeed" he replied

After a while we arrived at school, I parked the car and we stepped out.

Some people turned around and saw Harry getting out of my car and they flipped.
Harry mouthed 'don't worry about it ' and I nodded. We walked to the school and people moved out of the way for Harry but not for me so I was stuck in the maze of people. Harry turned around and saw I was stuck so he yelled "out of the way people" and everyone moved away, even I wanted tot do it.

"Come on" Harry said smiling. Kimberley came sprinting to my direction and pushed me aside "hey Harry, how is it going" she asked and he answered and he gave me a fast look but I was walking away not because I was angry or anything, they probably need time for them selves and I really needed to go to the toilet.

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