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I woke up the next day, it's Wednesday so in 2 days it's weekend. I have to work today and of course talk to Harry. But I think I will wait until he talkes to me.

I jumped in the shower and when I was done put some clothes on and braided my hair. I should really change everything but I don't have time anymore. Maybe I can ask the dokter about my acne today or this week.

I went downstairs and there was already a plate with pancakes for me. I smiled to Alexandra ( our cook) and eat it. After that I just brushed my teeth and began to study. I had an English test today, first period. I checked the time. It was 8:45
Oh God I,m going to be late. It was a 20 drive and school starts 9. I got up, put my book in my bag and ran to my car. I really need to start doing something (sport related),because I am already out of breath.

I drove of and took the fast roads, when I parked the car it was 09:02 so I was late but maybe not to late. I ran to the school and to my class. I opened the door.

"Well look who is late" my English teacher mr. Johor said "sorry sir lost track of time" I heard people in the room whisper and laughing, probably at me but I shouldn't assume anything" wel wel, take a seat we were just getting started" I looked around but there was only one place I could sit the rest were all occupied. Why is no one sitting next to him, he is 'the populair boy'. I thought Louis would sit by him but as I can see he sits with Stephanie and Kimberley, with an annoyed face that is. I snapped out of my thoughts and toke the seat " can I sit here?" I whispered "of course" Harry responded with a smile. I didn't dare to look at the class room. They are making their kill list with my head on top.

I saw in the concert of my eyes that Harry wanted to speek to me, and I did to but not with so many people. "Alright as I was saying, we are planing on making a trip to London with this particular class. We will be staying there for 4 days. We of course need a signature from your parents and money. But you will be getting a letter about this" mr.Johor informed. Stephanie raised her hand " yes Stephanie?" Mr.Johor asked "when will this trip be?" She asked "I think a mount from now but it will all be explained in the letter." He answered "Oke now that that is al clears up, open you text books to page 216" he said

A trip to London. I smiled. I love London. It is such a beautiful city, and Kimberley will join me. It's going to be wonderful "ms drake are you paying attention?" Mr Johor asked and I nodded. "Can you give me the answer to my question then?" He asked. I had no idea where he was talking about. "It's a t sir" Harry said and I sighed. With relief. "That is correct, but mr.styles next time speak when spoken to. Now we wil begin with the test...." mr Johor said. I was done with the test in 20 minutes and looked around me. I saw that Harry was still preoccupied with it and actually everyone so I just started to draw my name on the paper. I continued with it until I heard the bell go. Math.. again.

"Can I talk to you?" I heard behind me. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked back. "Walk with me to class?" Harry asked and I nodded "so.. uhm... you know I've been wanting to speek to you.... but you ignored me you haven't answered my tekst ieder and Uhm... and I get that... I just uhm wanted to ask you if your wrist was okey...." he said with a nervous look. "It has definitely been better" I said and saw him looking at the ground. "I,m sorry I just... I don't even know how it happend... I god angry and then you said that I was hurting you and I snapped back" he said still looking at the ground "I am really sorry and I won't let it happen again... I don't even know why I thought you would say that.. we are or were friends.. and I ruined it." He said
"You know Harry I didn't know what he had texted to you, I really didn't" I explained we walked to my looker. I didn't pay attention to anyone but I could feel how they were looking "I've read it yesterday." I said and he looked to me Scared " really" he said and I nodded "we haven't known each other very long, maybe three mounts or so so I get why you weren't really able to tell me apart for my brother. He made it look pretty convincing. I want you to know that I,m very sorry that my brother said that, and I,m sorry how you must have felt thinking it was me... I read the texts and wel to be honest I cried. Probably shouldn't tel you that and I will regret it but I think it is sickening he send that to you to hurt you and to hurt me." I said "do you believe it,?....that" he asked looking up to me "do I believe what?" I asked "that I killed my mother, and you know did things to her.."I stoped walking "do you really think I would believe that?" I asked him while he turned around "Harry do you actually believe that I think you did that?" I asked again and he shook his head. "Good, Harry I didn't know your mother past away and I,m really sorry to hear it. But my brother is cruel and you shouldn't doubt me because he is my brother" I said "I am still sorry" Harry said again and I hugged him he was stiff first but eventually relaxed "I forgive you okey? But I hope I won't get another bruise because I can't really do much with this hand right now" I said while letting go of him. And walking to the class "can I see it?" he asked and I school my head " you don't want to" I said to him but he looked at me and we stoped.
" I really want to know what I did" he said and I shook my head again and started walking. "Elisabeth please..." he said slowly and I turned around and looked at him. I gave him my arm and he pushed my sleeve up and gasped. ".... I.... I,m s-so sorry Elisabeth" he said "Harry I have forgiven you, and I did that because my brother said cruel things to you that were disgusting. Believe me I won't forgive you a second time" I said "why forgive me?" He asked "why forgive me while I hurt you? Like this" he said pointing to my wrist and I puled away. " well I think you are beating yourself up about it enough" I said and he looked away "and you know if you slapped me or anything like that I really wouldn't forgive you" I said serious and he nodded "But I please don't do it ever again, the bruise really hurts" I said an he looked at my slowly fading bruise. "I won't, I promise" he said and looked me in the eyes. "Oké then, let's get to math" I said and he nodded

We walked in class and I went to my seat, I began putting my stuff on the table but when I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked up " can I sit here?" He asked pointing to the seat next to me " you want to?" I asked. "Yes, but if you don't want to that's Oke... after I did.. you know... we probably aren't really friends anymore" he said "Harry, we are friends" I said with a smile." And if you really want to-" I looked around. Everyone was looking at us and everyone was quiet. "Then yeah sure" I said with a smile and I took the seat.
The les started and me and Harry were just talking the whole time. He was still very insecure about his behaviour (as he should of course) but I told him that if I ever want to get something out of my chest, that I would call him and not texts, he said he would do the same and after we talked the bell rung. Me and Harry split ways and I walked to the cafetaria. " what is up with you and Harry?" Kimberley asked walking up to me "what do you mean? I tutor him and we are friends" I explained "friends.. please" she said bitterly "I am really not having this conversation" I said and walked to the little store in the cafeteria " we are" she said " Kim are you angry? Me and Harry are just friends" I asked "you are just jealous" where the heck is this coming from, this is so random I just walked in the cafeteria. "Who should I be jealous about?"I asked, what the heck is going on "me of course, you just can't have it that I am almost dating one of the populair guys and that I almost have a spot on the table" she said and I was dumbfounded "Kimberley I,m really not, if I was I would've pushed my luck with Harry" I said "oh yes you would, you want to be beter then me. Even tho you never can be. I had a plan and you are taking it away from me" she said "but that he would do smithing with you... I mean he would really not step that low but still" she said "you want to High jack my plan" she said "Kimberley if you want me to explain this then I wil, me and Harry are just friends and I help him with school, I have no idea what 'plan' your talking about, no I don't want to 'high jack' a plan that I had no idea of and thank you for pointing out that Harry wouldn't 'step so low' ,but with you he would?" I said and she gasped on the last part " I have no idea what has gotten in to you and why you would fight with me because of a boy, but you can talk to me when you have you know, cooled of " I said and walked in the little store to grap some crisps. When inwas done with that I looked for Timothee and saw him sitting with two girls so I let him be. I took a seat at an empty table and started eating.

-skip the rest of the school day-


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