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Elizabeth pov

I gave him one last hug and let him stand again. "Come in Lets get inside" I said while pulling him with me. "You done have to explain anything to me you know" I started "But you have confirmed what I already suspected and I,m going to help you where I can" I started "I respect you you know that and I of course respect your decisions but I want you to sleep with me for a few days. After that we will see what happens. Okey?" I continued taking his silence as an answer "my dad isn't going to be home for a week and my brother isn't home often so you won't have to worry about that" I assured "Harry if you want to ta-" I tried to say something but he cut me off "c-can we talk later pleas?" He croaked "I-I just want to.. I don't know" he continued.

We stained silent for a few minutes. When we were inside I grabbed his coat and put it on the heather just like mine. "You're staying right?" I asked and he nodded "I-if that is okey with you" he asked and I gave him a little smile "of course" I responded

"I,m going to set a bath for you okey?"I questioned and he nodded "here is youre phone by the way.." I said While giving him the phone "thank you" hd responded.

I warmed up the bath and got some clothes from ky brirher and father. "here you go" i said giving him the clothes and sending him upstairs. After a while I went upstairs to prepare the guest room after that I went downstairs again. I needed to give Harry some space.

I opened my book again and tried to read some of it again. When I heard footsteps coming from the stairs I stopped and went to the kitchen to put the food the cook made in de microwave.

"Elisabeths?" Harry yelled "Elisabeth?" He yelled again. I walked out of the kitchen to the living room. "Yeah?" I questioned "well uhm.. are you sure I can wear these clothes" he asked "of course" I said with a smile "now sit down" I demanded pointing to the couch he took a seat "so.." I said while sitting down we sat silent for a few seconds when he suddenly spoke up "you know it started 6 years ago.." he started "my mom and dad were on there way from vacation and wanted to ask if where they were cause I had missed them,so I called my mom. I think that my dad couldn't grab the phone or something so my mom picked it up while she was driving. They made a U turn on a highway and crashed, my father survived...my mom didn't. She was pronounced dead in the hospital-" he continued "I,m so sorry.."I interupted "that was when it al started.. My dad knew that it was my fault and he wanted to make sure I knew to, with 'lessons'. It started small just saying stuff like 'you ungrateful basterd' , 'I hate you' or 'you killed your mom" he started hitting me and ousting me. Later he got more aggressive he started hitting me with objects it didn't Mather what object, a belt, a stick, a plate. He started kicking me as well and licking me up in this tiny box" he explained "so that's why you have claustrophobia?" I asked and he nodded "I was 13 when all that happened but when I was 14 there wasn't anything that wouldn't make him angry. From every little thing I got a beating and it got even worse when I was 15 because I resisted him one time. After that he did everything, kicking, pushing, throwing, hitting, and just calling me names ect. When I cried he found that a reason, if I walked past him that was a reason, if I breathed that was a reason, just everything" he explained further "but it was all my fault so I get it.." he said. I couldn't believe it he really thought that it was his fault? The blood in my body boiled. ". Don't you ever say that, you were an 11 year old kid just wanted to ask his mom when she was going to be home because you wanted to see her. You didn't k ow she was driving and even if you did you didn't want her to be dead. That fucking idiot should never have touched one single strand of hair Your head. That fucking...fucking... psychopath. Harry we are going to the police right now to report on that... that...imbecile" I said shaking. "N-no! No don't" he said I looked at him "Harry we are going to the police right the fucking hel now" I demanded " I said no" he said stern " and why the fuck not"I said my blood still boiling "because he is still my father!" He yelled "Harry that is not a father" I said "look what he did to you I said grabbing his face and touching the new wounds on his face. "Maybe you think he isn't but he is the only one I have.. my mom is gone I don't have any one..." he explained "but now you have me.." I assured but he shook his head. "Yeah you're a friend but what if you go to collage? Or you meet new friend I mean people would kill to be you're friend." He said but now I
Was the one shaking my head "but I,m yours okey? We are in this together now." I said "okey.. but still, I won let my mother down.you said you respect my decisions?" He said stern and I nodded "if that's what you want" I gave in going trough his hair to make him calm again. "Are you hungry?" I asked and he nodded "just a question and you have to be honest with me." I said and he nodded "how long haven't you eaten?" I asked "2 days" he responded and my blood started boiling again "that fucker" I crushed while standing up walking to the microwave put the food in there and waited. When I heard the bel from the microwave I opened it grabbed the food and cutlery and walked to Harry.

"Here you go" I said while giving him the food. "You know I have never heard you crush that much, or ever to be honest" he said with a smile on his face my Cheeks flushed from embarrassment "sorry" I apologised "he don't worry about it, screw what fuck fuck fuck fuck" he said with a smile "alright alright what movie do you want to watch?" I asked "you pick something" he said and I smiled "are you sure about that?" I asked making sure that he knew what he was getting in to "yeah
You can choose" he said "oke pretty boy but no complaining" I warned and he nodded "no complains here" he grinned how could it be that a person who was broken one second can be so.. lose the other was it healthy? I guess. I started titanic and heard a grunt next to me I looked next to me "hey I actually like this movie, but we all know why you want to watch it" he gagged.

"Hmh and Rose doesn't.. appeal to you?" I provoked "hm who knows, maybe I like Jack as Well" he sassed "who wouldn't best looking human on the planet, seen that face." I dreamed away "wow" he gushed "oh come on" I huffed

"you done with your food already?" I said while he stood up with an empty plate "yeah, where do I put it?" He asked "here give it to me, I,m going to make
Popcorn anyway, do not start the movie" I said sternly "you got it boss" he said while walking to the couch again. When I came back he laid on one side of the couch. My couch was in an L so Harry laid on one side I took a seat and placed the popcorn on the table. I rested my back on the other side of the couch where only my feet could maybe touch Harry.

"Oh come on, I won't bite" he said I looked at him "come here-"he said patting true place next to him "or else I will bite" he dared and I smiled "you won't" I responded and he stood up "okey okey fine" I said chainring position Harry took his seat again and allowlist moved my head so it would lay on his shoulder. "Now, can you start you're movie?" He questioned and I smiled "absolutely" I said like a child that just got to a trampoline park.

I was crying when the film ended, everything. After that movie we washed another one but we fell asleep but after about ten minutes I was awake again. I grabbed a blanket for Harry I didn't know if he was a light sleeper but in the back of my head I knew he was so I slowly I turned of the lights and tv and went upstairs to brush my teeth and to sleep. When I finally fell asleep I was awoken abruptly my shouting. I couldn't make out what he was saying but I knew it was Harry when I walked downstairs and turned on the lights I saw him. Moving sweating and maybe even crying in his sleep. I decided to wake him up.

"Harry" I said while shaking him a little but it didn't help. "HARRY"I shouted while shaking him. He jumped awake and looked around him, when he saw me I could se everything in him relaxing. I went to the coachen to grap a glass of water and gave it to him. "So.. you want to talk about it?" I asked but he shook his head. "Do you want to sleep with me?" I asked, u was so comfortable around Harry that I wasn't stuttering or anything, I was even playful and just completely okey with him being around me. He nodded shyly to my question so I grabbed his hand turned off the lights and lead him upstairs. "I-I'll sleep on the love seat this time" he said still a bit shaken about what had just happened but I shook my head while I laid back in my bed again grabbed a corner of my blanket to show I wanted him to lay with me "you're not sleeping on the love seat come on" I reassured "uhm.. are you sure?" He questioned and I nodded "yeah, not turn of the lights and come here" I demanded and he did what I said. I was even so bold that I grabbed his masculine arm and tried pulling him to me "I won't bite" I said mocking him from what he said hours ago " you're shaking Harry come here" I said and he came closer. I put my hand is his hair and went trough his curls. "You're alright" I reassured. "Good night Harry" I announced.

"Good night Elisabeth" he replied.


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