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"Harry quit it" I whined with a smile "come on pose " he laughed with his camera in his hand. "Harry I will drive us of the road, I'm not kidding" I yelled laughing so hard I could't breath. "Oké I wil stop" he smiled

We were nearing school, I was actually exited to go. Vacation is nearing and I was really looking spending time with Harry and Timothee. I told Harry that I would introduce him to Timothee today, he was happily about that.

We turned the corner and the school came sight when I looked on my left I saw Harry hiding from the window, I had absolutely no idea why so I let it go for half a minute but then I had it.

"Harry what's up?" I asked while parking the car cause we arrived. "Uhm" he gulped " n-nothing? What are you talking about?" He said nervous, I knew there had to be something was he ashamed of me? I mean he is hiding form the windows in my car. I stepped out of the car and waited for him. I walked to the other side of the car and opened it. He looked shocked and pulled me to him. Me head banging against the car in the mean time. "Shit" I said looking at the blood coming from my for head.

"You know Harry, if you are that ashamed of me that you have to hurt me then don't talk to me oke?" I sod and he looked up and saw the blood "bloody hell, sorry Elisabet" He said with regret but I had it. "Harry get out of the car right now" I said in the most demanding voice that I had, what wasn't much because of my insecurity" I waited for a minute just to be answered with nothing. Just by the green emerald eyes that now looked as if he was a deer Cought in headlights. " oke Harry.. if you don't walk out of the car right now I will lock it" I said angry. But he shook his head. I closed the door and walked a way. When I was at the door I looked back, and saw that he was still in the car so I locket it.

I knew you could open it from the inside u just wanted to do something to make him a little scared or something. I went inside with my head pointed at the ground, that was really the way I usually walk when I'm around other people, because when you do that you can keep your head low and look out if someone is about to trip you.

Harry POV

How can this happen , one minut I was having so much fun and the next I see my father roaming around the school probably looking for me because I wasn't at home last night. I knew I was going to be in trouble but I still don't regret going to Elisabeth. Now she probably does , how could I fuck this up. I could've made something up. That i saw my ex or something. But no I fell quiet. You stupid bloody shit, Why can't you do anything right.

I looked around and saw that My father left so I punched te button up and left the car I pushed the button down to close the door. People were already greating me so I tried to forget about it.

Elisabeth POV

Before I walked to my locker I visited the school nurse and to cleaned my wound, then I went to my locker and opened it, but the moment I did it was slapped closed again. "Who do you think you are?" A voice asked.

I was still looking down, to scared for what was about to happen. "U-uhm what?" I asked with a stutter (it happens when I,m nervous). "I asked, who the fuck do you think you are?" She repeated angry. That was when I looked up. It was Stephanie.

"Uhm, no one special why?" I replied and she smirked. "Indeed no one special." She reported my previous sentence. "So why, are you fooling around with harry?" I took in her words 'fooling around? Is that what everyone is thinking. "Hello" she said "n-no we aren't doing anything" "oh great cause I,m doing that already, don't want to get any viruses you have" she laughed really really loudly. "Just wanted to clear that up, I'll be going now" she knocked my bag on the floor.

I picked up my stuf and went on with my day.

"Elisabeth" I heard behind me already knowing who it is. " I don't think you want to be seen with me Harry, I should leave if I were you" he looked at me. "Why wouldn't I want that?" He asked with curiosity in his eyes. "Harry I don't mind just tell me now and I wil forgive and forget oke?" I asked looking him in the eyes. "What is there to forgive and forget?" He asked but then he realised it could sound different so he explained further " I mean what's up?" He asked but I shook my head. " Harry you were hiding so that people wouldn't see us in the same car" he looked ashamed. "Its oke Harry I,m used to it. I think you are an amazing guy." I said smiling "b-but we can't be friends. Y-you've made it clear" I said with my little to no confidence vanishing and being replaced by nervousness. I accounted eye contact for the whole conversation. "H-hit me up if you need to have the tutor l-lessons," after that I grabbed my bag and left.


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