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The hospital visit was brief he had a broken nose and of course a lot of bruises but Harry stoped at the right time.

We arrived home, Justin fell asleep as soon as we stept in to the car and I was greatful for that. Justin went straight to his room when we arrived but I was still angry at him. How dare he beat me and then When I tell him facts he slaps me and speaks to Harry as if I am an animal.

I called our cook and asked politely if she could work in the mornings again, I like sleep. She said it was not a problem, as I expected because we pay her for the mornings.

I was still a bit dizzy from the hits I reserved only ours ago. But I have to do my home work, I called a day of at work so I don't have to worry about that. I haven't talked to Harry he had texted me one time but I haven't opened it, I know I shouldn't treat like him like this but I don't want him to think that I stand by him as a friend if he fixes everything with violence. Maybe I,m over exaggerating he stoped I know. And my brother was out of line by beating me I know but the face he put up was were I was scared for. If I think about it now I think I,m over exaggerating. My brother actually beat my to a point that I fainted... and I wanted to teach him a lesson for protecting me... okay I need to texts back, why am I so dumb. I got up from where I was seated and went to my room looking for my phone. But it wasn't on the table I put it, I could've sworn I put it right next to my lamp... I searched for it for about 15 minutes until I went to my brothers room to ask if he had seen it. I didn't knock because I,m angry and when I came in his room he had my phone in his hands.

"What are you doing with my phone?" I asked and he looked at me with a sinister smile " give it to me" I said he shook his had " Justin Joseph Drake you will give me that phone" I said "no" he replied stil smirking. " you will give me that phone this instant" I said letting my full big sister out. But when I walked one step to him he slammed my phone on the ground and it broke in peace's "what the actual......you....." I said not knowing what to say "you know I need it... for work and the shelter... how could you do this" I said. "Oh come on Elisabeth I know you wanted to texts or should I say sexst mister populair" he said " so it's about Harry? You said yourself he would never want me , And I agree. And I don't want him. Even if I did why do you care ?!" I asked "Ellie you don't deserve anyone and not even that" he pointed to the phone " boy" he finished " why would you beat me just because you think I have sex with Harry?" I asked but now with tears " you know wat 'Justin'" I said "I,m done... I will be talking to you when there is a person in the room and I will show how a sister should act when people are around. But do not think for a second that I will be your sister as those moments pass . This has nothing to do with my phone believe me, I,m hurt that you threw it because now I can't call the shelter, but the phone it self is no desire of me. It is the cruelty you have shown me. I will not tolerate that as a sister, as someone that loved you and as a human being. You have hurt me physically but most importantly mentally. You have hurt my friend that has nothing to do with me and you have broken my trust in you." I said done with my rand " I really hope it was worth it.." I said and I could see the look in his eyes when I left , regret. I know that I cannot say I,m not his sister because he only beat me but he is supposed to be my little brother and not this jealousy. I won't take that. I closed the door silently and walked to my room to finally rest because my body still hurts from his last anger outburst.

When I woke up from my sleep I was still tired and saw it was now 22:00 so I went downstairs made a salade and grabbed some water . When I was done I put it away in the right places and went upstairs to sleep again. Tomorrow will be a beter day.

okey so you see dat Daniel Sharman plays the role as Justin. I know Daniel is a cutie and Justin is kinda a dīck right now. But I just wanted him to have a part in my book. So here he is.

I know Elisabeth is a little overreacting but she has been beaten by him only for the thought of her having a sexual relationship with Harry.

I hope you liked this chapter.


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