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Two days past and Life was going great, I loved everything about it. I've been so happy and more confident, of course I still have insecurities and I haven't really been outside because I,m to scared but still, it's been great. I danced and sang a lot and tried a lot of different make-up styles.

Its Tuesday and I was just preparing myself for the Tomlinson. I already showered and I was just blowdrying my hair. After that I did my make up with naturel colours.

After that I dressed in a grey top with golden accents, I combined it with a black leather skirt (I,m not shore if she is suppose to wear boots but, if that is the case them imagine her with black boots) and golden jewellery. (Hoops as earrings and a simple necklace)

I went downstairs when I was done, not long after that I heard the bell. I stood up while my dad opened the gate and later the door.

"Good evening" mr Tomlinson greeted. "Good evening Tom how have you been?" Asked my dad. "Oh I,m great, I've been looking forward to this meeding. I did bring my son, hope you don't mind" mr Tomlinson said and my dad laughed "of course not, my daughter is here as well" he noted "Elisabeth darling" he exclaimed. I walked to his side and gave mr Tomlinson a hand. "Its a pleasure" I greeted "the pleasure is al mine " he said with a smile "wow Mark You didn't tell me your daughter was so beautiful"he complemented "thank you sir" I replied

"Dad I got it" a boy shouted "thank you son" mr Tomlinson replied, the boy came in sight and it appeared to be Louis. Louis?! " hello mr drake" he said to my dad "Call me Mark pleas" my dad said while shaking his hand. Then Louis eyes went to me and he fell silent for e few seconds so I spoke. " we already know each other" I said smiling " really?" Louis questioned and I nodded
" Louis you're kidding me right" I said laughing "it's Elisabeth? Elisabeth Drake you know. Girl who touters Harry we have history together" I rambled when he didn't speak " Elie? " he questioned " Shall we go to my office?" My dad asked mr Tomlinson " of course" he answered. They walked to my fathers office while Louis was stil standing there looking at me.

" w-wha... h-ho... how?" He stammered
" what how?" I asked "how did that" he pointed to me "happen? I've spoken to you what, Friday?" He said "well I just changed it up a bit" I responded " A bit?! Love, you look... really freakishly hot" he exclaimed " what the actual fuck" he said while My cheeks turned red. "W-would you like to come in?" I asked and he nodded. I stept out of the way. To let him and took his coat. When I turned around I heard an few awkward coughs.

" would you like something to drink" I asked turning around." I could help but look down and saw that his pants are a lot tighter then before he came in. I smiled to my self. I am probably only this confident because Louis is a friend if he wasn't I would be talking at all. " no I,m good" he responded And I nodded " do you think that we are supposed to go in there?" I questioned " I think So, he asked me to be here for a reason" he responded. we knocked on the door of the office "yes come in"

"Can we help with anything?" I asked but they shook there heads. " no were alright" my dad assured so we left the room.

" i really don't know what to do ri-" I tried but before I knew it Louis lips were on mine. I was kissing, I was actually kissing. He slid his tong in my mouth. After a minute or so I broke it of "I,m sorry I ju.. I ca...you know what forget about it" he said smiling

Me and Louis were just goofing around the house the whole time. After a while it was time to eat so my dad and mr Tomlinson took a seat at the table. Food was already prepared so we could eat straight away.

" So Elisabeth, I've heard you'll be stepping in your fathers footsteps?" He said and I nodded " I hope so, I've been helping him for years, so I already have a lot of experience in the business. Tough I still intend to lern a lot" I explained. "Of course" he responded " So you guys are fiend or just classmates"mr Tomlinson asked Louis and me. I didn't dare to answer so I waited on him. " yeah we are friend, she is really good friends with Harry to" he rambled without realisation that he just set something of in my father. " Harry huh? What is his last name?" He questioned while I looked at Louis and shook my head. " Styles sir" he responded and I groaned. " oké I'll look him up" he said " dad he is the boy I tutor, you know the one I've been telling you about" I explained "I am still looking in to him" he said stubborn.

The evening continued like this for a while and I had a lot of fun. Half the conversation was about business but the rest was just talking. Louis was a nice guy, I don't know about the kissing dough.

"Well it was nice to have you here" my dad said walking mr Tomlinson to the door. "I'll see you around" Louis whispered in my ear. I stood there for a second "yeah, bye" I replied.

After they left I went upstairs and sat on my bed.

What the hell just happened.


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