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"Hey Harry!" Someone yelled Harry grabbed my arm holding to his promise to stay with me while he greeted the stranger with a 'bro hug'. I stood behind Harry hiding myself I don't know how but Harry was just so social, like really really social and then you look at me... I just look like a 5 year old hiding behind her father when someone asks what your name is at a store. I was seventeen and still so socially awkward.

He continued talking to the stranger so I wanted to put my big girl pants on and get us some drinks by my self. "I,m going to get us something to drink, what do you want?" I whispered in his ear "I'll come with you" he replied but I shook my head "no you continue just.. stay here okey then I'll be back" I said to him "no, I'll come with you" he debated "no, now what do you want? It'll only take me 3 minutes" I said and he gave in "I'll have a coke pleas" he said so I tried to find the kitchen

When I found it I grabbed 2 cups and pored the coke in both of them. "What are you doing here?" I heard from behind me and saw Kimberley in the door way "oh hey Kim!" I said exited "I,m serious what are you doing here?" She questioned again " what do you mean?" I asked confused "well steph surly didn't invite you so? How did you know there was a party?" She asked again "well a friend told me there was a party he wanted to go to but left out the part who gave it" I said laughing a bit "who may this 'fiend' be?" She inquired "why" I wondered "well I've never heard of this so called friend and I don't see Timothee anywhere" she challenged "okey? I have other friends" I said "sinds when" she snickered

"That is longer then 3 minutes" Harry said while walking in "is that one for me" he asked while pointing to one of the two cokes in my hand with no clue of what was going on. I nodded while looking at Kimberley "yeah" I replied Kimberley was looking at Harry and me with anger in her eyes "oké hoe come on I,m going to hold on to my promise" he said with a smile what got my out of my doze I didn't replied back when we dragged me out of the room.

-------Kimberley pov------
When I came in to the room and saw her standing there I had already a gut feeling he had asked her to come... that bitch thought she could take my man? Just because she put on a short dress and looked more decent doesn't give her the right to take what's mine. I had already claimed him, he was mine. "What are you doing here?" I asked what startled her a bit. She turned around and had a smile on her face when she saw me, I didn't return it. I will put her in place "oh hey Kim!" She replied back I wasn't sure if he took her just jet but still how can you be such a bad friend... why am I even hanging out with her I mean I didn't know she wanted to get rid of that nerdy look and wanted to look like this... the hoe. I was so supportive and even then she went around my back to take Harry from me and the attention of every other guy. "I,m serieus what are you doing here" I said demanding an answer. "What do you mean?" She asked, was she stupid? "Wel Steph surly didn't invite you, so how did you know there was a party?" I tried to talk a little lighter this time, she had the flaw of stuttering when she was scared ,uncomfortable, shy or sad and I didn't want to hear that because I hated it, she was weak and that stuttering proves my point. "Wel a friend told me there was a party and that he wanted to go but left out the part who gave it" she said while laughing a bit, but I didn't find it funny at all, it only confirmed what I thought. "Who may this friend be" I hinted to "why" she asked. "Well I've never heard of this so called 'friends' and I don't see Timothee anywhere" I challenged "okey? I have other friends" she defended and I almost bursted out laughing "sinds when" I provoked.

"That is longer then 3 minutes" I heard behind me, and that was when it mecanicien clear. Harry walked up to Elisabeth I was mad, furieus.

---------Elisabeth pov-----
We walked to a living room where I saw the people I was looking for. "Heey H, how have you been!" I heard Liam say while walking to Harry I stepped out of his way so he could do the initial bro hug they talked for a bit so I walked up to Louis (still in Harry's eye range) "heey lou" I greedier happily "Heey greenie, looking hot" he said looking me up and down "stop" I said while my cheeks got red "come sit" he said while patting te sport next to him I followed his instructions and took a seat "so what are you doing here?" He asked on a what ligger note then Kimberley "what do you mean" I asked "well I know you and Stephanie have never been... close" he concluded and I laughed "you can say that, no Harry said there was a party and he left out who gave until we were almost here" I explained "I,m glad I haven't come a cross her jet "wel if Harry is around she isn't going to be far... unfortunately" he cringed "why do you hate her" I asked "she is just bloody annoying, especially when Harry is around" he gagged "why are you here them" I said laughing "the booze of course" he said while holding his beee up "of course" I replied "do you wants nothing to drink m'lady" he asked and I smiled "I would love that" I answered "can I have a... wodka coke" I asked and he bowed "as you wish" he said and then he left "hey El" Nail greeted from behind me "hey" I replied "so how have you been doing since the last time I saw you?" He questioned "oh I've been good, what about you?" I asked "oh I,m fine, so what are you doing here" he asked "why does everybody keep asking me that I said laughing a bit "well we all know how Stephanie you know-" he replied and I nodded "yeah I know" I answered "hey Nailer" Harry said greeting Nail "hey bro" nail replied "exited for the game this weekend?" Harry asked and Nail nodded "of course, I've been busting my ass of this vacation" he said proudly "you better" Harry replied while sitting on the couch "what game?" I asked and they looked at me "we have a practice game this weekend to see if we can hold our places in the team" Harry answered (I know this probably doesn't exist I have no idea)
"You should come!" Nail said exited "then you can see me beating Harry butt" Nail beamed "not sure, but if you do and there are pictures send them to me" I said laughing "I need to have your number for that" he said winking I gave him my phone so he could put his phone number "you see that Harry" he said pretending as if I wasn't in the room "just got a girls number" he joked Harry scoffed "was about time" he joked and Nail faked boing hurt nail walked a way and did the sight 'cal me' to me so Harry could see "they like you" Harry addressed "you think so?" I asked "I know so" he said looking at me we looked each other in the eyes for a while he had such beautiful eyes.. he looked intensely at me his hand moved up to probably het to my face "Harry!" An voice yelled I was the first to break the... whatever it was. Stephanie came walking up to us and I was not about to stick around "I,m uh... going to look voor Louis" I whispered to Harry he knew I didn't want to stay here with Stephanie. Our whole 'stay with me' pact was thrown out of the window because Harry couldn't leave. "I'll come with you" he said but I shook my head " you have to stay or else she'll follow. Just.. uhm... I'll look for you when I find him" he nodded "fine" he gave in. "Hey baby" I heard from behind me while I walked away and ran in to Louis "I want you to fall for me, not on me" he joked looking at the spilled drink on the floor "sorry" I said flustered "here is ... what ever is left, sorry I took my time I saw some mates from the football team" he excused.
" oh don't worry, I just wanted to leave because Stephanie was coming for Harry" I explained and he scoffed "figures" he sneered "well let's avoid that" he groused "let's get drunk" he beamed " like really drunk" he continued "like dead ass on the ground with cherry on top drunk" he added I looked at him confused but nodded non the les.

----------1 hour later------
He was right, I was super drunk I fel with almost every step I took. I turned out.. I was a light wait Louis drank more then me and was drunk to but I didn't even know what I was staying.
Louis grabbed my hand and took me outside "so" he chimed in "sooo" I slurred I didn't feel anything from the cold air. My body wormed up from all the liqueur. "what's up with you and loverboy?" Louis asked slurring his words to I suddenly looked at him and laughed like really hard it wasn't even funny what was I doing "me and mr Harry aren't in lovee-" I said while doing a hart signal with my hands "I'd that is where you mr Lou are talking about " I said te alcohol really kicking in hard. Louis fell a bit to the side and laughed "I just figured " he said "well you were wrong" I said laughing really hard he said while putting down his drink and grabbing my face my drink fell out of my hands and falling on he ground, the next thing I know Louis's lips were on mine. For a moment I didn't know what to do but then I kissed back and hard to. I didn't really know what I was doing it, we stumbled the whole time and almost fell to. The air heated up more then before so I was ready to take of my clothes. Louis stopped and grabbed my arm, we stumbled inside trying not to fall but when I did I tried to grab every person around me Louis was going upstairs and I followed or at least we tried. We walked in room. "Can I lock it" he slurred and I nodded so he did. We continued and before I knew it our clothes were of. "May I?" Louis asked and I nodded "may-I" I tried to say and he smiled I saw Louis grab a little packaging and put it on his dīck.

Oke so maybe my whole "drunk" thing was a little childish but I want you to know that they are both drunk. They still ask for consent (the girl to) don't worry about that. But they are very drunk!!

If you want to know why I let this happen. Its because I didn't want her to be a virgin when she was with Harry, I want her to have her fun alone before she was going to do anything with him.

Not so perfectNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ