Chapter 25: Daughter

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Ashe's POV

"Hello, daughter." he said.

"Why are you calling me your daughter?" I looked at him weirdly.

"Because you are my daughter." he answered calmly.

"What? I don't even know you." I told him incredulously.

" don't remember me? You can ask the experienced ones around you if I am your father." he gestured to the former Wi-Five. I look towards them and they were all stiff.

"It's true." Sensei Wu looks at me. "He is your father. But he's been doing bad things."

"Is this true?" I ask my "dad".

"I haven't been doing bad things. They all had a purpose. A reason to be done. One of the decisions I made has brought you here. Daughter." he explains.

"Don't fall for his tricks! He's been doing bad things for years!" Iron Man shouted at me.

"Should I go see what my dad is doing? He is my father after all." I thought.

"But he's doing bad things! That's what the Wi-Five said!" another part of my mind thought.

"Let me explain what I am going to do. But first, there is more to say about this family." my dad tells me.

"Well, what is it?" I ask.

"No! Don't fall for his tricks!" Spider Man Black shouted. But I didn't want to listen. I wanted to know more about my family.

"Harumash is your sister." he smiles at me.

"Huh?" I frown. I look towards Harumash and suddenly realized how much we looked alike. And she looked like the older version of the other person from my flashback too.

"We are?" Harumash asks.

"Yeah, I think he's telling the truth." I told her. I walked over to her an hugged her. "I can't believe I didn't realize it before!"

"Yeah, me too. I'm still confused though." she tells me.

"Why?" I frown. What is there to be confused about?

She opens her mouth to tell me but Sensei Wu interrupts and says, "No, don't tell her yet."

"See, he is manipulating you both. Come on and join me. We can get your mother back too." my dad tells me.

"Mom?" I ask. At this point, I remember everything about my past and family. My mom died when she gave birth to Harumash. I miss her.

"Yes, I've been working on an experiment that can bring your mom back. The love of my life. Come over here. I'll show you!" he beckons us over.

"No!!!" everyone says. Harumash and I went over to the table with all the tubes and stuff to see what was happening.

"Once I drink this, I can choose certain people to come back from the dead. One of them will be your mom." he smiles at us.

"Yes! Do it!" Harumash tells him.

Meanwhile, I was curious about the other people. "Who else are you going to bring out?"

"Some people that can help end the shopkin and pony war." he told me.

"But you started the war. Can't you stop it now?" I ask.

"Nope." he shakes his head. "Once, provoked, they fight for a long time. So I'm getting people to help me."

"And who would that be?" I ask.

"You'll see. Won't you want to see your mother first?" he changes the subject.

"But I want to know who is going to stop the war." I demanded.

"You'll see. I'll drink it now." he picks up the cup.

"Wait." Harumash stops him. "We need to stop him."

"Why?" I ask. I was hesitant about this too but since Harumash wanted this, I was going to let it happen. And now she doesn't?

"He's not going to just bring mom back. He's going to bring...some big villain." she tells me.

"Where are you getting all this stuff from?" I ask her.

"Just trust me." she says.

"Okay..." I trail off and look at my father.

"Hand over the cup." I hold out my hand.

"To prove your loyalty to me, you will drink it. Which side will you choose? Your father's? Or the others?" he gestures to both sides. He hands me the cup and my hand trembles as I hold it in my hand.

"You shouldn't drink it." Harumash shakes her head at me.

"Don't listen to her. She is betraying the family right now." my dad steps to the side to block Harumash from my view.

"Okay." I didn't know what to do. What happened if I just drank it?

"What are you doing?!" everyone was shouting and was trying to persuade me not to drink it.

I lifted up the cup and sniffed it. "Smells familiar." I say.

"That's your mother's scent." my dad smiles. "It's one of the key things that will bring her back."

I lift the cup to my mouth but then quickly turned it upside down. It was like everything was in slow motion.

"No, I won't drink this. I know you're going to bring someone else other than just my mom back. And those people will be bad." I tell my "father".

He just stood there with his mouth open.


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