Chapter 9: Task

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Ashe's POV

We were still looking for Sensei Wu. Yes, we unintentionally found Iron Man and we're glad for it. It's just that the ninja are missing their Sensei and they need him. So that's why our main mission is to find Sensei Wu before finding the rest of the Wi-Five.

"So, what are we doing?" Iron Man asks.

"We're going to find Sensei." Lloyd tells Iron Man.

"Sensei Wu? That's the next member you're looking for?" Iron Man asks.

"Yes. We both need Sensei Wu for our own purposes so why not find him first before anyone else?" I tell him.

"So finding me was unintentional?" Iron Man asks.

"Yes." I confirm.

"So where are we going to go?" Iron Man asks.

"Sensei can be anywhere." Zane DX starts. "But I have narrowed down to a few locations."

"Well, what have you got? Tell us already!" Jay exclaims.

"Well, since we are in a forest like area, he could be nearby in a calm place. Like a river or a waterfall." Zane DX lists.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go find Sensei then!" Kai demands. He starts to run off in a random direction.

"Wait! You don't even know where you're going!" Mailman shouts to him. But it was already too late. Kai was out of view and he probably couldn't even hear us.

"Well, in the meantime, let's check out the waterfall nearby." I say pointing to some trickling water I see.

"I'll wait here. Kai might come back after not knowing where to go." Lloyd says.

"I'll wait with him too." Zane DX and Jay says.

"I'll come with you guys. Just keep those," Iron Man says pointing to the Coles and Pixel, "in one place."

"Yeah, we know how to take care of them." Jay says. "We've been with them for a long time before we met all of you guys."

"Okay, let's go!" I say starting to run towards the waterfall. Then, all of a sudden, I hear a loud noise.


"What was that?" I asked.

"There's a shooting nearby. That sound was just a gun being shot." Iron Man replies.

"We should get away from that area then!" Mailman says scared.

"But that might be Sensei Wu in trouble!" I exclaim. Then, I run off towards where the guns were shooting. When, the trouble came into view, I saw a man with a gray helmet with blue lines. Like the ones Mandalorians have. He was also wearing a Santa like outfit? "Who is he?"

"He's Christmas Jango Fett. A bounty hunter." Iron Man replies before blasting his blue blasts at the people who were beating up-who was it again? Right, "Christmas Jango Fett". I'll just call him Jango Fett.

"Stop beating him up!" I say to the random people who were beating up Jango Fett.

"Or what?" one of them smirked at me.

"Or you'll get beat up by me!" I exclaim.

"Ha! Getting beat-" one of them started to say before he got punched from behind.

"Leave, or you will get beaten up by me." Jango Fett said.

"Ha! We can defeat you again!" one of the bad guys said.

"Yeah? I was just going easy on you. I'm not even hurt." Jango Fett said. At this, all of the people who were "beating" him up before paled and ran away. Out of Jango Fett's sight at least.

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