Chapter 20: Agreement

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Ashe's POV

"So, what's the plan?" Iron Man asked.

"I don't know, ask her." Spider Man Black gestured to me.

This time, I was prepared with an idea. I opened my mouth to say it.

"We should split up. Since both sides are easily influenced by the Wi-Five, then maybe they can convince both sides to stop." I say.

"Ha!" Kai scoffs. "That's ridiculous."

"That's actually not a bad idea." Sensei Wu countered.

"What?!" Kai shouted. "How come you believe in her and not me. Your own student!"

"Because your dumb." Sensei Wu tells him. "Sometimes, I forget why you're even my student."

"I agree with Sensei on that one." Lloyd mumbled.

"Why do I keep forgetting about him?" I thought as I looked weirdly at Lloyd.

"What?" Lloyd asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head. I was trying not to laugh about always forgetting about him.

"So, since we have a plan, let's go." Sharkie walked off towards the direction of the war.

"How long is it before it's going to start?" Harumash asked worriedly.

"We don't know. As you saw last time, they can be pretty unpredictable." Iron Man says.

"They basically do nothing but threaten each other." Sensei Wu adds. "Until they see others then they start to attack each other."

"What do you mean?" Jay asked curiously.

"Remember how they saw us?" Sensei Wu asked.

"Yeah..." all of us responded.

"Did you realize that once we chose our sides, they wanted to attack?" Sensei Wu said.

"Oh..." Mailman said. "So that means they don't really want to attack each other!"

"No! That's not what I'm trying to say!" Sensei Wu smacks his head.

"Then what are you saying?" I ask.

"That someone must've provoked them. But they don't know what to do." Lloyd concluded.

"Okay. I really need to keep remembering that he's here." I thought.

"Yes. This is why you're one of the few students that I'm proud of." Sensei Wu pats his back.

"What about me?" Kai asks.

"No." Sensei Wu says.

"We're here!" Spider Man Black announces.

"Hopefully we all get along this time!" Poony-poo astronaut adds.

"Yeah, hopefully." Sharkie glared at Sensei Wu.

"Maybe we should stop all this glaring before there's an argument." Spider Man Black steps in Sharkie's view so he wouldn't glare at Sensei Wu.

"He started it!" Sharkie says. Everyone just rolls their eyes.


Some time has passed...

After hiding from both sides' views, we discussed more about our plan. We planned out the little details and what we were going to say to each side. We decided to split up into two groups so things would go faster.

The people who were going to the ponies were: Iron Man, Sensei Wu, the ninja, and Spider Man Black.

The people who were going to the shopkins were: me, Mailman, Harumash, Sharkie, and Poony-poo astronaut.

The reason we chose the specific people from the Wi-Five to go to each side is because they were there last time. Since they easily influenced both sides before, we figured we could do it again. And the other people like me, Mailman, and Harumash, there weren't enough people going to the shopkins side and we didn't want it to seem like we were favoring sides. We weren't! Basically my whole plan was using the influence of the Wi-Five.

"So is everyone ready to execute this plan?" I ask everyone. I need reassurance. If this plan doesn't work, there will be many deaths because both sides have many connections to other species. It's actually a miracle they didn't join the war.

"Pfft, no." Kai scoffed.

"What is wrong with you? Why do you hate me so much?" I huffed.

"Because you're useless! You think you're so powerful but you're just a weak girl!" Kai shouted.

"Shh! They might hear us!" Spider Man Black shushed us.

"Kai, quiet down. You can speak out your opinions later." Lloyd put a hand on Kai's shoulder.


"No." Sensei Wu interrupted. "You are just being jealous and your actions are ridiculous!"

"Sorry, Sensei." Kai looked down in shame.

"Suck up like always." I scoffed in my head.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to." Sensei Wu tells him.

"I'm not going to say sorry for how I feel." Kai scoffed.

"Fair point." I say. "Just don't say those awful thoughts out loud."

"Fine." Kai huffed.

"At least we came to some sort of agreement." I thought.

"At least you guys came to some sort of agreement." Lloyd says like he's read my mind.

"I don't know if mind reading is part of his green ninja powers too." I thought.

"Can we finally go now?" I ask out loud. "We can't waste more time."

"Yeah, let's go." Iron Man says. Everyone else nods in agreement and splits off with their groups.

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