Chapter 10: The Bag

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Ashe's POV

"Where?" everyone asked Iron Man.

"In Naboo." Iron Man replies.

"How are we supposed to get there?!" Jay asks. "We have no spaceship." he pouted.

"We can use a delivery truck!" Mailman exclaims.

"Are you dumb? Delivery trucks can't fly." Kai rolls his eyes. Even I had to agree with that. Mailman's mailman obsession has come way too far.

"But we can make the delivery truck fly!" Mailman points out.

"Yes! I can finally put my mechanic skills to use!" Jay exclaimed.

"Wishful thinking." I chuckled at the idea.

"Jay! Why are you agreeing to his" Kai said in disgust, "idea? It's impossible!"

"No it isn't." Iron Man said.

"According to my calculations, it is physically impossible to make a mail delivery truck fly." Zane DX disagrees.

"You definitely need to update." Iron Man says. "It is possible. I obviously don't have a spaceship at my house but we can probably go there to get some parts to make a delivery truck spaceship like."

"Uh, how are we going to get there?" I ask looking around for any type of transportation.

"In here." Iron Man presses a button on his suit and all of a sudden, his famous white car shows up out of nowhere.

" Iron Man presses a button on his suit and all of a sudden, his famous white car shows up out of nowhere

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"OMG!!! IT'S IRON MAN'S FAMOUS WHITE MERCEDES!!!" Jay and I squeal. Everyone else around us looked confused as to why we squealed.

"It's famous because it's technologically advanced with many features." I explain to their confused faces.

"How are we all going to fit in that?" Lloyd pointed towards the car. He's right. It does look small. I heard that only Iron Man and Spider Man Black rode in it before.

"Don't worry. I got an idea." Iron Man says. "Lloyd will drive, Zane DX will be in the passenger seat, Jay, Ashe Girl, Mailman, and Kai will be in the back row."

"What about the Coles and Pixel?" Zane DX asks.

"Do we really have to bring them?" Iron Man asks annoyed. Well, he should be annoyed because they are kind of annoying.

"Nya." the Coles repeated.

"Pixel." Pixel repeated in a robotic voice.

"Yes." Lloyd answered. "They're our friends believe it or not and they're also Sensei's students."

"I doubt that Sensei Wu would worry about them but whatever. They can go into the trunk." Iron Man shrugged.

"What about you?" I asked him.

"I'm going to fly." Iron Man says punching more buttons in his suit.

"Oh." I got into the car next to Mailman. I smile at him. "Hey."

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