Chapter 18: Flashback

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Ashe's POV

I was enjoying Spider Man Black's story. Until he stopped.

"Well, go on!" Mailman said.

"Later!" Spider Man Black shouted.

"Why are you shouting? Is something wrong?" I asked, concerned. We still need him alive for him to continue the story.

"The ponies are readying their gate! We need to convince Sensei Wu and Iron Man to change minds fast." Spider Man Black said pointing towards the ponies' base.

"Oh no! They're going to attack soon!" Harumash started running towards the ponies' base.

"What are you doing?" I asked, worried for my friend.

"We need to stop them!" Harumash yells back.

"Oh, right!" I suddenly remembered something.


12 years ago...

"Are you excited to see Harumi do her engine fixing test?" I ask Harumash.

"Yes! That test was fun! I want to see her do it!" Harumash answered excitedly.

"Well, let's go see her." I say, grabbing her hand so she doesn't wander off. It was my job to look after Harumash and Harumi since I was the older one. They can't get lost because they are the next important people after me.

We walk into the room where we can watch people take their tests. The only thing separating us and Harumi is a big glass wall.

"It's starting!" Harumash tugged my hand and pulled me down to a chair.

"Yeah, I know." I nod. We both watch as the proctor started explaining the rules and whatever proctors do before the test starts. I've taken this test before. It was pretty easy.

"I hope she does well. That test was fun but really hard." Harumash whispers to me.

"You had trouble with the test?" I ask. I didn't remember her saying that. "I thought you told Father that the test was easy and no problem."

"I lied." Harumash looked down in shame. "I didn't want to disappoint him."

"Don't lie to Father." I frowned. "If you weren't doing so well, he would've helped you get better. Or get extra help for you."

"That means that he thinks I'm dumb!" Harumash shouted.

"Shhh!" some random parent said.

I just rolled my eyes and continued to talk to Harumash. "No, this is to help you. So you're able to work with us and stay together with your sisters."

"I guess your right. I'll go tell Father when Harumi finishes her test." Harumash sighs.

"You better." I pat her shoulder and went back to watching Harumi. She was almost done with her test. She just needed one piece left.

"Yes! I'm almost done!" Harumi cheered. She ran to the table where all the parts were so then she could do her last step.

However, something went wrong. The other person who was taking the test next to her snuck to Harumi's station while Harumi was getting her thing. All of a sudden, the engine exploded.

"Ahh!!!" Harumi gasped. She looked back at her station and saw that the other person was still there. It was a small explosion from the engine. No one got hurt or died. But someone was about to get hurt.

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