Different POVs

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A/N: This chapter will contain different POVs to show what happened in other events so the future chapters won't confuse you.


Harumi's POV

"So, when a car breaks down, the first thing you want to check is..."


This is so boring. Why did dad sign me up for extra mechanics class? I wish Harumash was here. Unfortunately, she learns slower than me so I'm in the higher up classes. Harumash always does something to make something less boring.

"Harumi!!!" my teacher yells.

"Huh? What?" Geez why does the teacher have to yell at me. What did I do wrong?

"Get out. Your father is here to pick you up."

"Oh ashes!!! Finally!" Oops. Did I say that out loud?

"Just get out before I ash you out." the teacher glares at me. Oh nope. Being ashed out of class by someone that's not you is painful. I can't wait to be in charge of my own ash powers.

When I get outside of the school, I see my dad already there with Harumash. She looks just as confused as me about this situation. We usually don't get picked up early from school. If anything, we stay later because we're the boss' daughters.

"I'll explain later just hurry home first." my dad says. Is it an emergency? Did something happen to Ashe Girl?

We hurry to our home and Ashe Girl seems perfectly fine.

"Ty Guy, get out of the house." my dad orders.

"Hey, oldest comes first... but yes sir." And there goes Ty Guy. He really gets on my nerves every time he says that.

After explaining everything....

I follow my dad outside and there is a car ready with Ty Guy at the drivers seat. I guess I'll have to wait for my sisters in there after my dad talks to me about something.

"I see something special in you that your sisters don't have." my dad started.

"Really? What?" I've always wanted to be the heir. To lead a group. What if he's making me the heir because of the special thing?

"You'll see. But that special thing is why you're going to a different Ford Hub so go inside the car and Ty Guy will drive you there."

My face drops when I hear this. "Will Harumash at least be with me?"

"You'll see just go inside the car and you'll know."


"Wait." my father says. Is he going to change his mind about different hubs? "Drink this. It'll make your mind better for the environment."

"Okay?" I trust my dad. He is the leader so I drank it without any thoughts and I fall asleep on the ride there.


Leroy's POV

I have been working in the Ford Hub for two years now and it has been great. I made many friends and I've never seen them around before so they must be new recruits or something. And on top of that, my career has been going great. I am one of the best mechanics in my hub. I heard that a two new people would be coming today but no one know what their names are.

I haven't missed Ashe Girl as much as I thought I would. Sure, I had some minor feelings for her and she was my best friend but I had new friends that filled up her empty presence. 

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