26: "Time to Play"

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A few days have passed and things were going normal. Florence and Owen have recovered and back to their routines with added security and the Leaders are still getting ready to rescue the others. They went back to Furroko to do their daily rounds, while some the Successors helped their parents to fill in for the others while the rest of the them watch over the Crystals and help in patrol. As the Leaders and half of the Successors went through the different territories.

"Everything is fine in the last two places..." Elizabeth said.

"I feel....something...wrong...." Alistair said.

"What do you mean?" Francis asked.

"I don't know...But it's just that I feel like something is gonna go wrong..." Alistair said.

"He is an Apparition, so he can be able to feel any dangerous auras around him." Ethan explained.

"That means we keep an eye out. I'll call Alice and Adrion to see if there's anything wrong." Elizabeth said as she talked to her kids through an earpiece.

"How's everything here sweetie?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oh hi mom! Everything is good, I see you guys are at the Monster Territory?" Alice responded, looking through the scope.

"Oh, you're at the scope?" Elizabeth asked, giggling after.

"Yup! How are things there, mom?" Alice responded happily.

"Alistair felt a dangerous aura around here, so be ready." Elizabeth warned them.

"Alright mom, we will." Alice responded before turning off her earpiece.

Elizabeth went back to the others and they continued to their rounds. While doing so, the atmosphere is getting a bit uneasy, because some of the creatures were acting as if they are being manipulated.

"What's happening to them?" Lily asked, being worried.

"They're just standing around as if they're shut down." Ethan said suspicious.

"Be careful when we're around them." Elizabeth said as they continued on their way.

While they were walking through the place, they got strange looks from the creatures who were just standing without doing anything. Just like robots, they don't blink, nor move without a command. Suddenly, the siblings called them.

"What is it dear?" Ethan asked.

"Uhh...Dad, you guys need to get back here. Now." Adrion said.

"Why?" Ethan asked again.

"Alice saw the Wilders running towards the wall, she also saw the people here just standing around. You need to come back here quick." Adrion said, immediately cutting the connection.

"Back to the Gate. Now." Ethan said, as they went back.

They arrived at the Gate and went in. The rest of the group are inside, getting ready. They joined them at went to the highest floor of the tower. They saw their people, standing and no other movement. Only the adults were like that though, the children were just confused as to why their parents were like that and running around. They looked up to see the Wilders and their leader, yet something was off with him. His expression was different from the last time they saw him. He's more horrified than satisfied from what he did. Nonetheless, they don't trust him so they got ready to whatever will happen. The next thing they knew, the creatures started going towards the gate as they heard a scream from one of the Wilders.

"To the Gate!"

"To the Gate...To the Gate..."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no....They're targeting us!" Francis said, starting to panic.

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