Hawks under the mistletoe 🔞🍋

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Merry Christmas you filthy animals
And happy holidays to those who don't celebrate Christmas
I have zero motivation to write the new chapter so here's a Christmas special I somehow found the motivation to write instead
This has nothing to do with the main story I just want to make sure you're all staying fed while I slowly spiral into madness
Warning: things get sexual please proceed with caution
Your POV

You gently lay Ten in his crib and covered him with his blanket. He was tired out from the Christmas Day festivities and passed out early. You softly kissed two of your fingers and pressed them to his cheek before whispering "sweet dreams".

You tiptoed out of the room and shut the door before heading downstairs. Hawks was in the living room cleaning up all the discarded scraps of wrapping paper. "Do you need any help?" you offered.

"I got it don't worry. Sit down and relax, it's been a busy day." he said as he motioned to the couch.

You took him up on the offer and collapsed onto the couch. You breathed out a sigh and let yourself sink into the cushions. "Today was pretty great. I've never seen Ten so excited before." you reminisced.

"Same here. Do you think he's gonna play with all his new toys?"

"I hope so. There's certainly an abundance of them. I knew between the two of us we got him a lot but I wasn't expecting both Lola and Miruko to come by with more."

"They really love Ten don't they."

The conversation died off and the room was filled with silence. Hawks had finished cleaning and took a seat on the other end of the couch. "I have a gift for you."

You furrowed your brows and looked at him quizzically. "Another one? You already gave me enough." you said.

"I know but I swear this is the last one. Promise."

You reluctantly sat up and ran your hand through your hair. "Okay now close your eyes." he instructed.

You closed your eyes and held out your hands expectedly. You felt Hawks moving around and a sense of fear flooded your senses. "You're not gonna prank me or something are you? Are you gonna put a bug in my hands?" you asked hesitantly.

"I would never. Okay, open your eyes."

You cautiously opened one eye and scanned your surroundings before opening the other. Hawks hadn't placed a gift in your hand nor had one appeared around you. "Wait wha- oh my god." you said with a chuckle.

While you had your eyes closed Hawks had stuck a bow to the top of his head. "Surprise! I'm your last gift." he said gleefully.

You tried to suppress your laughter but the efforts were futile. Hawks joined you in your laughing fit and soon enough you were both gasping for air. "Okay okay in all seriousness here's the real gift."

He revealed a square box wrapped with ribbon from behind him and held it out to you. You eyed the box suspiciously and glanced at him. "This isn't what I think it is...is it?" you asked.

"No no. The box is to big. I mean I have one but I'll give it to you in the future at a later date." he joked. Or at least you hoped it was a joke.

You took the box from him and removed the ribbon. You removed the top and inside was a small plant wrapped together with more ribbon. You immediately recognized the plant and deadpanned. "Really Hawks? Mistletoe?"

Hawks removed the mistletoe from the box and held it above your head. "What? You said you've always wanted to kiss someone under the mistletoe. I'm just making your wish come true." he said just a bit seductively.

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