All moved in 🌫

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(This chapter ended up being pretty long. Also the little emoji there means this chapter gets a little steamy)

Your POV

After situating Ten in the living room you went to your room to change into a better outfit. You picked out a pair of faded black jeans and a loose fitted (f/c) tshirt. You finished the look with a pair of white shoes and a watch. You folded Hawks clothes and left them on the bed. You went to the closet and pulled out a few suitcases and boxes.

As you started packing up some clothes you heard Ten giggling from the other room. "Keigo?" you shouted from your room.

"Yeah?" he shouted back. "You need any help?"

"No I was just making sure there wasn't some strange guy in here trying to take Ten away."

"Well I won't take him away but I am a bit of a strange guy." he said teasingly.

You let out a little laugh as you continued to pack your stuff. After removing half of your closet you wheeled out some suitcases to the living room where Hawks was. "I'll go put these in the car." he said as he wheeled the suitcases out. You huffed and looked around the room.

"I never knew I had so much stuff before. At this rate it's gonna take all day to pack up all my stuff"

You thought deeply before coming up with a solution. You activated your quirk and suddenly there were 5 more of you. They all quickly got to work packing things up and so did you.

Shortly after your duplicates came to be Hawks returned. You knew that because a loud screech was heard from the living room.

"(Y/N) WHAT THE F IS GOING ON?!" he shouted from the door.

You popped your head out of your room and shouted back, "This way packing up will be faster. Look we're almost done."

You brought out the last box from your room as your duplicates packed up the last of the stuff from the other rooms. One by one they took their boxes and marched out to the car. Hawks stared in both awe and horror at this. You headed out with your boxes with Hawks following behind with Ten.

Once everything was safely placed in the car you called off the duplicates and they disappeared in a cloud of white smoke. You closed the trunk and looked back at the apartment you've spent most of your life living in. Nanaka-san and Himiko-san were still outside conversing. You walked over to them and gave them each a long hug. "I promise I'll come visit." you said sadly.

"Oh (Y/n), you don't have to keep worrying about old people like us. Enjoy your life with your new family." Himiko said as she pat your back.

"I love you guys. Thank you for taking care of me all these years." You said as you bowed to them.

"Raise your head, child. We love you too." Nanaka said with a warm smile.

You got into Hawks car and with a final wave goodbye Hawks started the drive back to your new home.

Once you guys had arrived and parked in the parking garage you activated your quirk again and your duplicates reappeared. They removed boxes from the car and made their way towards the elevator. "That is the most impressive and creepiest thing I've ever seen." Hawks said as he eyed your duplicates.

"Thank you. I'm great for haunted houses. I can be the twins from The Shining." you joked.

"Please don't do that." Hawks said quickly, a look of fear washing over him.

You laughed at his reaction and headed towards the elevator with the last of the stuff. Hawks had sat Ten down on one of the suitcases and was wheeling him around, an action the little bundle seemed to enjoy.

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