Off Duty Job

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Your POV

The next morning arrived with the suns rays eagerly peaking through your curtains. You stretched your arms up and about and sat up in bed, looking around the room briefly before reaching for your phone that was charging on the nightstand beside your bed. You turned it on and saw your screen was flooded with text messages and missed calls. You cursed in your head and threw the blankets off of you as you ran to the bathroom.

The events that occupied the last few days had completely taken over your mind. So much so you had forgotten that you had a photoshoot scheduled today. When you weren't out doing hero work you worked as a model. You quickly washed your face and brushed your teeth before heading into your closet and throwing on a plain outfit of jeans and a tshirt. You grabbed a long coat hanging on the door before leaving your room.

You made it down the stairs and saw Hawks entertaining Ten at the kitchen counter. "Good morning angel" he greeted when he saw you.

"Morning Keigo. I'm sorry but would it be possible for you to watch Ten for the day? I completely blanked and forgot I had to work today." you said as you frantically threw your coat over you shoulders.

"That's fine with me. Do you want me to drive you there?" he offered.

"No that's okay I can just fly there." you said as you approached him and Ten. "Bye buddy, mommy will see you later."

You kissed Ten on his chubby cheek and he smiled brightly in response. "And thanks, Keigo. I'll see you later." without thinking you planted a kiss on Hawks cheek as well

Hawks froze and his eyes widened at the action. You quickly made your way towards the sliding doors that led to the balcony and stood outside. You rolled your shoulders and flexed your back until your wings popped out. You took flight off the balcony and began to head into the city. You took out your phone and dialed the number that had left you all the missed calls. After a ring the person on the other end picked up.

"Hello?!" shouted the man on the other line.

"Heeeyyy Ishikawa-chan. How's my favorite manager doing?" you said back.

"You were supposed to be here 40 minutes ago (Y/n). Where are you? I dropped by your apartment this morning but Nanaka-san said that you moved."

"Yeah a lots happened to me in the past few days. I'll explain when I get there."

"Yeah, you better. When do you think you'll get here? The designers getting antsy. I don't think I can stall for much longer."

"" you said as you touched down outside your agency.

"I'll see you inside okay? I'm hanging up now."


You began to walk inside but stopped just before the doors.

"Wait....did I kiss Hawks on the cheek?"

You thought about it as you stood there and facepalmed when the realization hit.

"I did kiss him on the cheek"

You sighed and ruffled your fingers through your hair. Now was not the time to be stressing about this and you walked into your agency, on the search for your manager. You jogged up a flight of stairs and down a couple hallways before stopping at a back room. You opened the door and was greeted by a team of people, all focused around equipment and clothing.

Open Hearts |Hawks X Reader|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن