From this day forward

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Your eyes widened at his sudden request. "But Hawks, we barely even know each other! All we know about each other is our Hero information. The only other thing you know about me is that I used to walk into sliding glass doors as a kid!" you exclaimed frantically. "We don't even know each other's real names!"

"Keigo Takami"

You looked at Hawks confused. "What?"

"My name. It's Keigo Takami." he said once more.

" fits him so.....perfect"

You went silent as you processed the situation. Hawks was asking you to move in with him and take care of what might be your guys child. He revealed his own name without a second thought and was probably expecting you to do the same. You sat still and silent for a while before looking up and turning to him. "(Y/n) (L/n). My name is (Y/n) (L/n)."

Hawks POV

"(Y/n) (L/n). My name is (Y/n) (L/n)."

I felt a smile creep across my face as she revealed her name to me.

"(Y/n)'s a perfect name for her"

Ten became fussy in her arms again and she stood up and walked around the room, showing him all the things on the wall. "Does this mean you'll move in with me?" I asked after a while. I assume she needed some more time to think about my request.

(Y/n), who had been showing Ten a poster about washing your hands that was hung on the wall, paused. She brought her hand down from the wall and up to her arm that was holding Ten. She gave her arm a light squeeze as she thought.

"Crap....she's gonna say no. I knew I shouldn't have asked. It's to overwhelming."

As I was beginning to open my mouth to tell her she didn't have to make a decision anymore, she suddenly spoke out. My eyes widened and I couldn't believe what I heard. "What....did you say?" I asked in disbelief.

"I said yes. I'll move in with you and Ten." she said again, head turning away to hide her blushing cheeks. It would have worked, if not for her ears.

I felt overjoyed and before I knew it, (Y/n) and Ten were in my arms. I picked them up and flew in a small circle before bringing them back down to the ground. (Y/n)'s face had erupted and had become redder than I had ever seen before and Ten was laughing wildly from being up in the air.

As soon as I set them down there was a knock on the door. The Doctor popped his head in and announced he had the test results. (Y/n) and I walked back to our seats and sat down. I noticed her hand was balled into a fist on her lap and I moved my own hand to hold hers. She looked back at me and I squeezed her hand reassuringly. She gave me a faint smile before turning back to the doctor.

"So the results are in," He said. "But before I say them, I'd like to know, have you talked about what you're going to do if this child is indeed your offspring?" he asked looking at the both of us. (Y/n) took the first turn speaking. "Yes. We decided we would raise him together." she said as she gripped my hand.

"She said she'd move in with me." I added, a grin plastered on my face.

(Y/n) whipped her head around to look at me, her wide eyes telling me 'don't tell him that!'. But I couldn't have cared less who I told.

The doctor smiled sweetly. "I see. Then I guess you'll be doing a lot of packing and unpacking soon."

My eyes widened and so did (Y/n)'s. "Doctor, are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked, afraid I'd heard it wrong.

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