Mini Family Outing

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Guys I'm so sorry for the slow updates I'm having trouble writing these days. I'll try my hardest to create a regular update schedule and keep the story entertaining. Thank you for loving this story!

After a few minutes of waiting inside you decided it would be better to wait outside. You stepped out the agency doors and was greeted by chilly winds. The leaves had started to change colors and scattered the ground. You wrapped your coat around yourself and crouched down into a ball. Another couple minutes passed and a familiar car pulled up.

You eagerly waddled over and opened the passenger side door. You got yourself situated in the seat before greeting Hawks. "Hello to you to angel. This is where you work? You're a model?" he asked as he observed the building.

"Yup. Been modeling since I was in high school. It was how I afforded to rent out the space I used to live in. You're a model to aren't you?"

"Yup. When I'm not out being the being the amazing hero I am, this handsome face is dazzling the cameras."

"Hmm...handsome?" you teased.

Hawks gave you a look of offense and turned his head away from you. "Words can hurt, angel" he said with a pout.

You stifled a laugh and put your hand on his back. "I'm just kidding, Keigo. You're handsome. The most handsome guy in my life."

He turned at your words and you noticed a small blush in his cheeks. "Am I really? The most handsome guy in your life, I mean." he questioned shyly.

You gave it some thought and then a mischievous thought entered your mind. "No actually you aren't."

Another look of sadness washed over his face and he opened his mouth to ask more but your giggle stopped him. "You aren't the handsomest guy in my life because Ten is!" you said gleefully.

Hawks stared blankly at you before a smile slowly crept onto his face. "Wow angel. You really had be going for a second there."

He turned his attention back to the wheel and merged onto the main road and started the drive to the supermarket. "So what did you guys do today?" you asked. 

"I put the coffee table in front of the couch into storage and turned the space between the couch and TV into a play pen. That way he can spend more time downstairs with us."

"Oh that's a good idea. But the floors are hardwood, wouldn't that be to hard on his body?"

"True...Oh! We have some extra play mats from his room. We could lay them across the floor. That way It'll also be easier on his hands and knees when he starts crawling."

"Mmm. Good thinking. May I just say, you're turning out to be quite the father. I'm impressed."

"Why thank you. I've always wanted to be a dad. I really wasn't expecting it to be so soon though."

"You're really okay with becoming a dad so soon?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know. I mean, you're the second ranked hero. Your life has to be super busy and tough already. Do you really want to add raising a child onto your workload?"

Hawks was quiet for a few minutes as he thought about your point. "I do have a really busy life and it does get tough from time to time. There isn't a doubt in my mind this will be difficult for you and me both. But I can't seem to be worried about it at all."

"And why's that?" you asked confused.

Hawks turned towards you and smiled lovingly. "Because you're doing this with me."

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