Your overwhelming feelings

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Once you guys safely made it back to the parking garage Hawks parked the car and sat back in his seat. You had expected him to turn the vehicle off and get out but he didn't. You turned to look at him confused and was met with his honey eyes staring into yours.

"What's wrong angel?" he asked as you shot him a look.

"Nothings wrong Hawks." you huffed.

"First off, that's not my name and you know it. And second of all, there has to be something wrong. My wings can pick up the littlest sounds and for awhile now your heart rate and breathing has become a lot faster than it usually is."

You deadpanned then dropped your head into your hands with a heavy sigh. You racked your fingers through your hair and slumped back into your seat. "I don't know what's wrong okay? Let's just go." you said as you tried to dismiss the subject.

"No. We're not leaving this car until you tell me what's wrong. And what you said was a lie, your heartbeat quickened again." Hawks moved his hand onto yours and gave it a squeeze. "Angel you can tell me anything."

"Okay fine. You wanna know what's wrong? You wanna know what's making my heart beat so quickly? It's you. It's you and everything that you do." you shouted as tears started to form in your eyes.

"When I'm with you I'm filled with an overflowing sense of joy. I liked waking up this morning and seeing you with Ten, I like when you put your arm around my shoulder and compliment me even though I look gross, I won't admit it another time but I like when you tease me and call me angel.

I like the fact that you might have feelings for me and sometimes I think that maybe I have the same feelings but then I see you out in public being who you are and remember that you aren't just Keigo Takami, father of Tenshi Takami-(L/n). You're pro-hero #2 Hawks. You aren't mine and Tens alone. You're a public figure and you care so much about your public image you don't think about the stuff you do.

Ever since that girl pressed herself against your arm I've had this twinging feeling of jealousy and I don't know why. We aren't dating or in any other sort of relationship that would justify my need for other women not to touch you. It's not like you asked her to do it and it's not like you could have stopped her necessarily. And it wasn't even for that long too.

Right now I'm filled with such awful thoughts and feelings and I don't understand why. When I see other girls looking at you I just want to take you away from them. I want to shout that you're mine and that they can't have you.

Maybe that's it, maybe I just want you to be mine alone. I don't like when other girls look at you and I don't like when you treat others the same way you treat me." you said angrily as the tears began to flow.

Hawks looked at you shocked before adverting his eyes to his feet.

"I want to be special to you. I want to know that your feelings are true and that they aren't just because of Ten. I so badly want to believe in your feelings but I've been burned in the past and I'm scared it'll happen again. I don't want to commit to someone who's feelings aren't really true."

You became a sobbing mess in the front seat and tried wiping the ever flowing tears from your face but it was no use. Once the floodgates were opened there was no stopping the tears from falling. You could feel your skin start to burn from the constant wiping and just covered your face with your hands.

After what felt like a long time you felt a warm hand on your arm. Hawks moved one of your hands from covering your face and held it in his own. With his other hand he tilted your chin up with his thumb and first finger. You gazed into his soft honey eyes and immediately felt a wave of calm rush over you.

Your mouth had slightly opened and Hawks took the opportunity to lean down and connected his lips with yours. Your eyes widened in shock as the warmth from his lips spread through yours. The kiss was sweet and short but the tingly feeling remained. Hawks pulled back but held your face in his hands. He lightly caressed your cheek with his thumb and stared lovingly at you.

"You are special to me (Y/n). My feelings for you are true. I don't know how to prove that to you but I will find a way. And I know you must be confused on your own feelings and that's okay. I'll wait for however long it takes for you to make your decision. Wether you return my feelings or reject them, you'll always be special to me."

Hawks words were kind and gentle and made tears well up in your eyes again. He tilted your head down slightly and placed a kiss on your forehead. He caresses your cheek one last time before turning and exiting the vehicle. He began to unload the boxes and you unbuckled Ten from his seat.

With the help of a few duplicates and multiple trips up and down the building, you guys eventually got everything into the apartment and into Tens room. You situated Ten in the corner on a blanket with some toys for some tummy time while you and Hawks began to assemble the room.

Hawks opted to construct the crib while you chose to lay down play mats on the floor and set up his changing station. As you were halfway through setting up the mats you heard Hawks groan in frustration. "What's wrong?" you asked.

"I can't figure out the stupid instructions" he said as he flipped through manual.

You chuckled slightly and walked over to Hawks, kneeling beside him as you peeked over his shoulder at the manual. "It says that this part here is supposed to click into place here but it's not going in."

Hawks grabbed two parts and attempted to get them to click together but the efforts were futile. "Here let me see the instructions." you said as you took the manual from him.

You scanned the pictures and read through the steps and examined the two pieces he had picked up. "I don't think those are the pieces that are supposed to click together." you said as you looked around at the scattered parts around you. "They do look similar to the ones in the picture but the parts your holding look a bit thicker. I think the ones you want are...this one....and this one."

You grabbed two pieces in front of you and joined them together with a click. You smiled triumphantly at Hawks and he returned the look with a defeated pout. "Fine. Then you assemble the crib and I'll set up the mats and changing station."

You laughed as Hawks handed off the job to you and he went to work on placing the mats. After an hour you had fully constructed the crib and Hawks helped move it to the far side of the room. He placed a covered mattress inside and you picked up Ten who had fallen asleep in the corner and gently placed him in the crib.

You and Hawks stood over the crib and watched the little bundle sleep peacefully. Hawks plucked one of his wings and placed it in the crib with him. You both turned to leave the room and you gently closed the door to leave your little one sleep in piece

Ugh this chapter sucked too. I was filled with so many ideas at the beginning and now idk how to write things out anymore

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