Suddenly a confession?!

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Hawks POV (still)

I turned my head towards the door and my eyes widened. I sat there frozen as I took in the sight in front of me. (Y/n) was standing in the doorway wrapped in nothing but a towel. Water drip from her (H/l) hair and created a small puddle on the ground by her feet. A rosy blush was painted across her cheeks as she looked at me.

"I'm sorry but...I forgot I didn't have any clothes with me..."she said timidly.

Her words broke me from my trance and I quickly replied, "Right, clothes...My rooms across from can pick out anything you like."

She quickly thanked me and I heard her soft footsteps get quieter as she ran towards my room. She opened the door and shut it quickly. Then there was silence.

Your POV


You screamed internally in embarrassment as the shame from what happened washed over you. You buried your head in your knees and ran your hands through your still wet hair. After sitting for awhile you finally stood up and walked towards Hawks wardrobe. You opened the large doors and looked through his selection of shirts. You pulled one out that said "Hawkward" and slipped it over your body.

The shirt fell just below your bottom and you dug around his dresser for some pants. After deciding on a pair of baggy gray sweats, you mentally prepared yourself as you opened the door. You turned down the hall back towards Tens room where you assumed Hawks still was.

Your assumption was correct as you approached the room and saw the blonde haired man sitting on the floor. You approached the cot and sat beside him. Silence filled the air as you both just sat there watching Ten sleep. "Thank you for the clothes..." you spoke after awhile. "Once I get mine from my apartment I'll wash these and return them."

"No worries," Hawks replied back. "Think of it as a 'Welcome' gift."

You turned towards Hawks who was still focused on Ten. Your eyes trailed down to his hand and you timidly moved yours towards it. When Hawks realized you were holding his hand he looked towards you surprised.

"Hawks I-" you started to say, but Hawks cut you off.

"It's Keigo. Call me Keigo when we're at home." he said as he looked into your (E/c) eyes.

"Well then, Keigo...I haven't gotten the chance to really thank you yet. As I looked back through the day, I can't even begin to imagine how I would handle this situation by myself. I never would have even dreamed of becoming a mother so soon. I wasn't even sure if I could be a mother at all. But when we were in the hospital and you said you'd help raise Ten and be apart of his life, I felt like I could do it. Meeting you has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. And I just want to say Thank you. Thank you for opening up your home to me, for not leaving Ten up to just me alone, for buying all of his stuff...Thank you."

You squeezed his hand and smiled kindly. Keigo returned the look and pulled you into his arms, wrapping his wings around you both.

"Meeting you and getting Ten also has to be one of the best things to happen to me. I've always wanted to become a father. I wanted my own little chick to hold and raise, I wanted to have someone I loved by my side through it all... and now with you, I have a chance at that."

Your heart began to race at his words. He brought his hands to your face and lifted it up so you were looking into his golden eyes.

"I don't know if this is the right moment, or if I should even be saying this at all...but I like you, (Y/n). Being with you all day today has definitely made me realize I want you in my life." he said softly, as he stroked your cheek with his thumb. "But I understand if you don't feel the same way. I mean we did just meet. But I wanted to just say that right now, I like you."

Your heart was beating in your ears and you felt your face erupt. Hawks confession was extremely sudden and frankly you didn't know how you felt. Before you could say anything in return he stood up. "It's really late now angel. We should get some sleep."

He held out his hand to you and helped you to your feet. He ushered you out of the room and turned off the lights before silently shutting the door. You both walked down the hall towards your respective rooms and opened the doors. As he was about to close his you called out to him. "Hawks-"

"Now what did I just tell you angel?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Oh right... I just wanted to say goodnight so, Goodnight, Keigo."

"Mmm. Goodnight, angel"

And with that you both closed your doors, and fell into a deep slumber.

Sorry this chapters so short! They will become longer in the following chapters

Open Hearts |Hawks X Reader|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ