Back story

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You exited the apartment and Hawks locked the door behind you guys. He slung his arm around your shoulder and moved you towards the elevator. The doors opened and Hawks pressed the button to the parking garage. The elevator walls were all mirror and you got a good look at your current appearance. Hawks baggy clothes hid your form and your hair was put up messily. Compared to Hawks you looked like a slob.

"Ugh I look terrible today." you commented as you touched your face and hair.

"No you don't. You look beautiful today." Hawks said as he looked at you through the mirror.

You watched in the mirror as a small pink blush appeared in your cheeks. The elevators door opened and you quickly exited the confined space. Hawks pressed a button on his keys and you heard a car start. You stared in confusion at the new technology and Hawks gave you a smile. He led you over to a black car parked in the corner and opened the door for you.

"We don't have a car seat for him yet so you might just have to hold him the whole ride." He said as he took Ten from you.

You climbed into the car and got buckled in before reaching your arms out and taking Ten from Hawks. He closed your door and made his way to the drivers side. He got in and adjusted the gear shift before pulling out of the parking spot. He made his way to the exit and turned out onto the main road.

You gave him the directions to your apartment and after a short ride you guys were parked out front. You readied you're keys as you exited the vehicle. An elderly woman who had been eyeing Hawks car suspiciously eased up and smiled when she spotted you.

"Oh my~" the old lady said as you approached her. "(Y/n) dear I was wondering where you were. You didn't come home last night and I was worried."

"I'm sorry Nanaka-san. A lot happened yesterday." you said as you scratched the back of your neck awkwardly.

Nanaka-san's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she looked behind you to see Hawks. She looked back to you and widened her eyes when she noticed Ten. You could see as she connected the dots in her head and before you could explain the situation she clapped her hands together.

"Oh my~(Y/n)~, I didn't even know you were in a relationship!" she shouted joyfully. "Oh my~ Oh dear~ Himiko come out here! (Y/n)'s all grown up now!"

A door opened and out popped another elderly woman. She made her way to you and Nanaka-san and stared confusingly. "What's going on?" she asked.

"(Y/n) brought home a handsome man! And a child!" Nanaka-san explained.

The elderly Himiko-san looked from you to Ten then to Hawks who had been watching in amusement from behind you. "Oh my~" she said with a teasing smile. "She got herself a handsome one didn't she. And look at this boy. Looks exactly like his father."

You blushed as they continued to gush about Ten and Hawks and quickly excused yourself from the situation. As you made your getaway up the stairs to your apartment the ladies stopped Hawks before he could follow. They began to speak to him but you were so embarrassed you didn't stick around to listen in.

Hawks POV

As I tried to follow (Y/n) up the stairs Himiko-san and Nanaka-san stopped me.
"Young man you look rather familiar" Nanaka said as she studied my face.

"Ah I remember now!" Himiko chimed in, "He's that hero Hawks!"

I smiled kindly as the ladies marveled in my presence. "That (Y/n)," Himiko said with a slight chuckle. "She's such a wonderful and hardworking girl. I always knew she'd end up with a great man one day. And that day has come."

I smiled at her compliment and thanked her for her words. "Himiko and I are getting old. We were worried we wouldn't get to see (Y/n) in a happy relationship before we died." Nanaka said as she placed a hand on mine. "Take good care of her, okay? She doesn't say it but she struggles some times. Especially after what happened to her parents."

Curiosity got the better of me and I ended up asking them about her parents. "Well you see, when (Y/n) was young, she lived here with her parents. They were both Hero's too and would often be away a lot so Himiko and I would often watch (Y/n) for a few days." Nanaka said as she stared off in the distance, remembering the old times.

"She would always try to do all the work while her parents were away. She'd cook for herself and clean, when we would watch her she tried her best to make sure we didn't have to lift a single finger. She said she didn't want to be indebted to anybody."

"So she's been that way since she was young huh"

"Anyways one day her parents both left on some hero work and said they'd be back in 3 days. As the 3 days without her parents grew to an end she told us that they had planned to go to a hot springs together. Oh how she was so looking forward to that trip..." Nanaka trailed off and fell silent.

"But on the third day, they didn't return." Himiko continued the story. "Another 2 days went by before we got the terrible news. While trying to save the lives of a few children, a building collapsed around them and they died."

My eyes widened in shock. I had no idea this happened.

"When we told her the news, she didn't cry. All day. We had her stay with us that night so we could continue to watch over her. And despite her trying so hard to keep it in while in front of us, that night she cried by herself. She tried to keep it silent. But the walls here are thin." Himiko wiped a tear from her eye and unbeknownst to me, tears were falling from mine as well.

"After that (Y/n) was put into our care. She moved in with us until she could start making money on her own. And when she had enough she started renting out the space above us, the one she lived in with her parents. We thought she was okay. But every few nights, we could hear her painful sobs."

Himiko finished the story and looked at me. "Don't tell her we're telling you this. She wouldn't be very happy with us." she said with a soft smile.

I nodded my head and wiped my eyes. "I promise you two I will take care of her. She'll be safe with me and I will do everything I can to ensure that no harm is brought to her. I'll make sure that with all the time I spend with her it's filled with happy memories." I vowed to the two elderly ladies.

They smiled and exchanged looks. With the squeeze of my hand they let me go and I started up the stairs towards (Y/n)'s living space. The door was still open and I let myself in. Ten was situated on the floor surrounded by a few pillows. When he saw me come in he started kicking his legs and buzzing his wings.

I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Y'know little guy, your moms a strong lady." I said as I picked him up. "We have to protect her and make sure she's happy, okay?"

He giggled in response and I held him in the air.

"I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I will make her happy"

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