Home sweet home

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You and Hawks flew through the skylight and landed in his living room. He threw a few bags into his couch and disappeared up a large spiral staircase. Your mouth was agape once more as you took in the size of Hawks apartment. He mentioned he lived in the penthouse but you weren't expecting it to be this extravagant. You walked and stood in the corner by the entryway to get a better view of the room.

The grand living room had a large black couch that was cluttered with pillows. The couch was facing the flatscreen on the wall and a small coffee table occupied the space between them. Behind the couch on the other side of the room was a dining table, benches set on either side for seating. The spiral staircase Hawks had gone up was located beside the table and led to the second floor, most likely where the bedrooms were located. The kitchen sat beneath the second floor area and was decorated with marble.

But that wasn't even the best part. The farthest most wall, wasn't even a wall at all. It was made of glass floor to ceiling. You moved towards the large windows and dragged your fingers along the glass. The nighttime scenery was absolutely breathtaking. You found the back door and slid it open, a gust of cold air greeted you and you began to shiver slightly. You closed the door but continued to take in the view.

"Heeey" crooned a voice from behind you. "You didn't walk into the door this time. Good job angel."

You whipped your head around and looked up to the second floor. Hawks was standing against the glass balcony staring down at you, he had changed out of his hero outfit and was sporting a white loose fitted tshirt and gray sweatpants. You rolled your eyes and made your way towards the staircase. "Hawks, I was 5." you muttered as you reached the top.

Hawks cocked his head towards another hallway and you followed as he lead you towards one of the 3 doors at the end of the hallway. He opened the door on the right to reveal a nice sized room with a large King sized bed. "This will be your room" Hawks said as he swept his arm through the air. "There's a nice walk in closet over there, and this door here is your own private bathroom. There are skylights in here as well for if you ever feel the need to make a speedy getaway."

You marveled at the size of the room.

"This is like twice the size of my apartment. How can Hawks afford a place like this? Wait where's Ten gonna sleep?"

As you got lost in all the details you had forgotten about poor little Ten. "Where's Ten gonna sleep? We don't have a crib for him yet and I would share a bed with him but I'm afraid I'm gonna roll over and crush him when I sleep" you said looking down at the sleeping angel in your arms.

"Already figured it out. Follow me." Hawks exited the room back into the hallway and walked to the farthest one down. "I originally used this one for storage, but I don't have that much stuff anyways. There's already a small cot on the floor so I figured this would be a good place for him to stay tonight."

Hawks opened the door to reveal a small room. It was bare besides the few wardrobes and cot in the middle of the floor. You walked in and gently laid Ten down. "Do you have any pillows or blankets we can use to build a wall around him? I don't want him to roll off in the middle of the night. Also what will we do if he starts crying? We don't have any baby monitors yet and this rooms kinda far from mine." you attacked Hawks with a flurry of questions as you thought more about the situation.

"I'll take care of it, (Y/n). For now you go take a shower and I'll look into what I can use to build a fort around him. There's already towels and some bottles of soap in your bathroom. We can go shopping for more tomorrow after we pack some of your stuff and move it here." Hawks said as he shooed you out of the room.

You made your way back to your room and into the bathroom. Like Hawks said there were towels and bottles of shampoo on the counter. You quickly figured out how to work the shower and stripped down. As you let the warm water run over you, you recalled the events of the day.

"Hawks and I have a kid now... We just met today and we have a kid. How did Ten even come to be? Was it that mans quirk that made him? Does he have some sort of "God" quirk? Is this why Hawks and I both feel like we're missing half of ourselves? Ten is half me and half him...
What if Ten never existed? Would Hawks still try to associate with me? Really the only reason he asked me to move in with him is because if the baby..."

Many thoughts filled your head as you showered. After rinsing the soap from your hair and body, you shut off the water and wrapped a towel around yourself. And that's when you remembered.


You sighed and gripped the counter and looked at yourself in the mirror.

"What should I do? Should I just put my hero outfit back on and go out and ask for clothes? But that's kinda gross...Should I yell for him? What if he can't hear me?"

You sighed as you racked your hands through your wet (H/c) hair. "Alright (Y/n)...there's only one option and you just have to do it." you said as you opened the bathroom door, still wrapped in your towel.

Hawks POV

As (Y/n) left to take a shower I went to my room to find some blankets. Luckily I had a few extras and brought them back to Tens room. I placed them along the perimeter of his cot and fluffed them up to create a sort of wall around him. Once I was happy with his barrier I went back downstairs and grabbed all the bags.

I began to put all of the clothes we bought away and paused when I saw the 'Chick Magnet' one.

"(Y/n) liked this one so let's save it for tomorrow's outfit."

I hung the onesie on the dresser and continued to put away his clothes. I stored the diapers and wipes we got from the hospital in the bottom draw of the dresser and displayed some of Tens new toys on top where he could see them.

"That should be good for now...wait what did (Y/n) say about a baby monitor?"

I remember (Y/n) expressing concern about not being able to hear Ten if he cries in the middle of the night. I thought about what we could use and it hit me. I plucked one of my feathers and placed it next to Ten on his cot. He stirred slightly and I froze, afraid I had awoken him. He turned over and grabbed the feather with his hands and nuzzled his face into it.

Seeing that made my heart swell with joy.

"I can't believe it...this little chicken tenders my son. I have a son! I've always wanted to be a dad. To have a child and...eventually live with a women I love...  I wonder how (Y/n) feels about this. We just met today and now suddenly she's moving in with me and we've got a baby together. Everything happened so quickly."

I was so deep in thought I almost missed (Y/n)'s soft voice calling out to me. I turned my head around and was not expecting to see what I saw.

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