DNA tests and decisions

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Hawks POV (still)

Seraphim took a seat on a bench beside the windows. She placed the baby down beside her as she started filling out the paper work. I awkwardly stood there scratching the back of my neck. "Hey uh..." I started to say.

"What?" she quickly snapped, shutting me up.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as I tried to get my words out. "I uh...couldn't help but noticed your attitude towards that nurse.."

"Oh did you now?"

"Yeah a little."

"Well why don't you go and check on her? I'll stay here and finish this up and you can go off and be Hawks: The amazingly sexy and flirty #2 Pro-hero."

I know her words were intended as an angry joke, but I couldn't help but smile. "You think I'm amazing and sexy?" I asked picking the baby up and taking a seat beside her.

She shot me an angry deadpan look and continued to work on the papers. "It's okay if you do. I think you're amazing and sexy as well." I said bouncing the baby in my lap.

From the corner of my eye I saw her stop writing for a quick second before continuing again, pretending as if she hadn't heard anything. My eyes trailed up towards her face but it was covered by her (H/l) (H/c) hair. But as much as she tried to hide it, her red ears gave away the truth. I smiled contently as I looked at her.

Your POV

You could feel Hawks gaze on the back of your neck as you tried to finish the paperwork. Truthfully you felt you had no right to have acted that way towards the nurse. It wasn't like you and Hawks were dating. And as much as that baby looked like you two, it's not like you guys had made him. But an overwhelming feeling of jealousy washed over you as you watched him flirt with her.

You were so deep in thought you almost missed the doctor call you guys in. Hawks carried the baby in and you followed suit, handing the paperwork to the doctor before sitting down beside Hawks. "So I see here you need a DNA test for the baby?" he asked after eyeing the papers.

He looked from you to Hawks then to the baby and gave a quizzical eyebrow raise.

"Wow, been getting those looks a lot today"

"I understand your confusion Doc but trust me, we are just as confused as you are." Hawks said from beside you.

The doctor shrugged his shoulder and started preparing to take a sample. "Now there are a few different ways we can do this. We can either swab the inside of your your cheeks, take a blood sample, or use a strand of hair. Which would you like to do?" He asked looking at you and Hawks.

You guys exchanged a few glances before asking if you two were going to have samples taken as well. "Yes I would like to also take samples from the two of you. I just want to rule out permanently that you both are not the biological parents of this baby." he said eyeing the two of us and the baby again.

Hawks looked at you with the corner of his mouth slightly turned up. "It wouldn't hurt to give them some DNA." he said.

You nodded your head and agreed to partaking in the DNA test. The doctor then explained the process and listed the benefits and limitations. He also listed the consequence and affects the results of the test might have on us. The doctor then drew some blood from you and Hawks and took some blood from the baby by pricking his heel. He began to fuss slightly but Hawks was able to distract him with his feathers.

As the doctor was beginning to leave he turned back and said, "If by chance this baby's DNA results come back as a match for the both of yours, I want you two to discuss what actions you want to take while I'm gone."

"Wait Doctor," you called out.

The doctor poked his head back into the room to listen to your question.

"How long is this going to take?"

"Not very long. We have quite the advanced lab and we can find results as quick as an hour. Some labs make you wait for weeks! That's not us. Once I get the results back I'll let you guys know immediately."

With that the doctor left. Silence filled the room and you looked towards Hawks. "So...what if this baby...really is our baby?" you asked hesitantly.

Hawks looked at the baby for a while before answering. "I'd be okay with it."

"Elaborate on that."

"Well what I mean is, I wouldn't hate him. I wouldn't push him onto you and not be apart of his life. If I have a kid...If We have a kid, I'd help you take care of him. I'd do the shopping and the feeding, I'd help the with cleaning and the tantrums. I'd want to be part of his life."

Hearing Hawks say he'd be okay with having a kid with you made your heart squeeze. Truthfully you had been thinking about it all day. Wondering what would happen if this baby was half you and half him. And after hearing Hawks decision, you made yours as well.

"I'd want to be part of his life too."

Hawks smiled at you and you smiled at him. He grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze before letting go. You blushed at his action but secretly wished he'd do it again. But for longer. "I guess if we might keep this baby, we should think of a name for him." you said watching the baby create yet another spit bubble.

"Let's name him Chicken nugget!" Hawks said excitedly.

You deadpanned and rolled your eyes at him. "Are you trying to ruin his life? All the other kids are gonna bully him if we name him that."

"Then what about Rooster?"

"What is he, a dog?"

"How about Sanders?"

"Like Colonel Sanders? Nice try."

"Okay then what do you propose?" Hawks asked after you shot down all his options.

You took the baby into arms and looked into his eyes. He giggled gleefully and kicked his legs. You're eyes drifted to his wings and it hit you. "Let's name him Tenshi...Ten for short." you said turning to Hawks.

"Tenshi" Hawks said with a slight chuckle. "Angel, you are brilliant."

"You like it?"

"I love it. I'll have two angels in my life now."

You suddenly remembered that Hawks had started calling you angel not to long ago and unconsciously did the same for the baby. "Now the most important part of this, how are we gonna split up the days?"

"What do you mean?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"How are we gonna split up the days we have him. I mean I'm usually free on the weekends but I don't just want to have 2 days with him. Plus with us both being Hero's we never really know what our schedules gonna be like during the week."

"Why would we split up the days we watch him? Wouldn't be just do it together?"

"Well yeah ideally that's what we should do. But we don't live together. My apartment is just big enough to fit me and possibly him if I move some stuff around. And you wouldn't want us to just barge in on your bachelor life and mess up your place."

"Who said I wouldn't want that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Who said I wouldn't want to have you and Ten stay with me?"

"Oh. Well I just assumed..."

"You assumed wrong."

Hawks words took you aback.

"Is he saying.....what I think he's saying?

"Hawks...are you-"

"Saying you and Ten should move in with me? Yes."

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