Doorman Discussions

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A few hours had passed by and it was time for you to start getting ready to leave for Lola's. You brought Ten upstairs with you as you went to change. You slipped off your shorts and tshirt and replaced the with the jean skirt and white sweater. You tied your (h/c) hair into a loose and low ponytail and draped it over your shoulder.

You slipped on a light brown trench coat before grabbing the baby and the diaper bag and leaving the apartment. When you got into the elevator you pushed the button to the lobby. Ten had become fascinated with the mirrors in the elevator and stared amazingly at his many reflections.

The doors opened with a ding to a brightly lit lobby area. A sitting area was set up on one side of the room near the mail slots and on the other side was the security guards post and front desk. Large glass entrance doors that lead to descending stone steps stood still along the far side of the room. Upon hearing the elevator ding the on duty security guard looked to you and greeted you with a nod.

"Afternoon." he said dryly.

"Afternoon." you greeted back as you approached the desk. The security guard looked to be a man your age. He wore a mask over his mouth and a baseball cap that blocked your view of his face. His voice was rather hoarse so putting that with the mask you assumed he must've been sick. His name tag read Tatsuya and from the looks of his desk, he appeared to be new.

"Do you need me to call you a cab?" he asked sounding irritated.

"Oh no that's fine. I can call my own." you said quickly, afraid you'd be disturbing him further.

"It's my job to do this." he said as he picked up the phone on the desk. He called a cab company and requested a car be sent."It'll be here in 20 minutes. You can sit and wait there if you want."

You thanked him quietly and awkwardly went to sit on the couch. Since leaving the elevators Ten had taken interest in a small toy you had brought along. It rattled whenever he shook it around and he enjoyed the sound. You were so lost in watching him that you almost didn't hear Tatsuya talking to you. "Hey. What's your name?"

"What's my name?" you repeated back.

"That's what I said. I haven't seen you around here before. Did you just move in or something?"

"I guess you could say that. I moved in with his father recently." you said as you put a hand on Tens head.

"Oh, did he not wanna pay child support anymore or something?"

"No it's not like that. It's complicated."

"Whatever you say. Who's the dad?"

You paused as you thought of an answer.

"Do I say that it's Hawks? Would he be okay with me telling people we live together and that Ten is our child? I mean the public knows he exists but they don't 100% know he's our child."

As you pondered your answer you could feel his eyes burning into you and Ten from where he was sitting. "Would the father perhaps be the famous feathered penthouse resident?" he asked knowingly.

Your eyebrows shot up in surprise but you quickly realized that through simple analysis, figuring out who the father was wasn't a challenging task.

You nodded your head slowly and chuckled. "Yeah. That's him." you confirmed.

"So Keigo's finally found someone huh?" he asked to himself.

Hearing Hawk's name come from him sent a shiver down your spine. How did he know his name? Did he know Hawks personally? If so would Hawks really tell a doorman his real name? Before you could ask him how he knew Hawks real name a cab pulled up just in view of the doors. "Looks like your cabs here."

You gathered your things and bowed your head to him as you exited the building. Your eyes lingered on him and for a second you swore you could see his eyes.

"They looked blue"

As you walked to the cab the nagging feeling of "something-isn't-right" weighed over you.

"I'm sure there's a reason he knows Hawks name. He probably learned it when Hawks moved in."

You reassured yourself as you got situated and gave the driver Lola's address. She lived just outside the city so it was going to take a while to get there. Which meant it gave you plenty of time to think.

what's this?? 2 new chapters in the same month?!
sorry this ones so short, a very special someone will be making their debut in the next chapter so be prepared for that hehe

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