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Your POV

You awoke in your bed the next morning to the sound of your alarm going off. Groggily you rolled over and started to grasp at things in your nightstand in an effort to find the device without having to open your eyes yet. Once your hand found the familiar shape of your phone you quickly hit snooze and basked in the silence. Deciding it wasn't a good idea to keep your eyes closed any longer, you forced them open.

You blinked your eyes rapidly and rubbed the urge to close them again away. Leaning towards the night stand and unplugging the device from its charger, you fell back against the bed with a soft bounce, device in hand.

A notification occupied the screen and you read it through still tired eyes.

Lola ♥️

It's been awhile since we've met up. I have the day off. If you have time wanna grab lunch today?

You rolled to lay on your side as you typed a response.

Yeah that sounds great. Do you wanna meet Ten?
I can bring him with me

Lola ♥️
Okay so don't judge me but

Oh no, what did you do?

Lola ♥️
After you told me you had a kid I went out and bought tons of outfits for him.
And some shoes
And Hats
And accessories
Basically I got him a whole wardrobe of clothes


Lola ♥️
You expect me to Not spoil my best friends kid?
That's my job as the cool aunt

He already has a lot of clothes that Hawks and I got. He's probably not gonna be able to wear all of it before he starts getting bigger.

Lola ♥️
I know
Which is why I bought them in sizes up
There's 6-8 month old clothing in there.
I'm just thinking ahead hehe

Alright alright. We're do you want to meet for lunch?

Lola ♥️
How about you just come to my place? It'll make it easier to pickup all the clothes I got :))

Okay. See you then

Lola ♥️
See you then !

Breathing out a sigh you flipped onto your back and dragged your hands through your hair before settling them behind your head. You stared up at the ceiling as you recalled last nights events.

Flashback Your POV

You felt the warmth of Hawks lips as they came into contact with yours. He moved a few strands of hair out of your face before cupping your cheek. Your arms found their way around his neck. The kiss was gentle, sort of how you remembered your first kiss to be. But the kiss grew more intense as the minutes passed. With his hand that wasn't cupping your face, he moved it down the side of your body. He stopped when he got to the hem of your top.

He hesitated before gently sliding his thumb underneath and slowly sliding his hand back up your body, bringing the fabric with it. You let out a small shaky breath into the kiss when you felt his hand move along the exposed skin. Before things could go to far you broke the kiss, an action Hawks wasn't expecting so soon. He tried to kiss you again but you turned away.

The next few seconds were filled with silence, save for the music still playing and the light pants coming from the both of you. Hawks dropped his head slightly to rest his forehead against yours.

"Sorry. Did I go to far?" he asked as he slipped his hand out of your top.

You shook your head slightly. "No I uh...I just.." you struggled to find your words but sentences refused to form.

Hawks let out a sad sigh before dropping his hand that was cupping your cheek. "I get it. I uh...I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna head to bed now."

"Keigo please it's not-"

"Angel really it's okay" he said as he side stepped away from you. "It's late and I have work tomorrow."

You watched as Hawks moved to the couch and picked up his phone to disconnect it from the speaker. The apartment was now filled with complete silence. Uttering a quite "good night" Hawks made his way upstairs and to his room. You heard the soft click of his door closing and waited a few minutes before heading to bed as well.

You checked the time and noted it was only 8:30 in the morning. You were hoping to catch Hawks before he left for work to diffuse the situation from last night. Hearing the familiar sound of his room door opening and closing a sudden panic filled your chest. You blew out a breath of air and mentally hyped yourself up.

"Alright (Y/n), you got this. You've talked to people before it's not hard. He'll understand if you just explain everything."

An then it hit you. What exactly were you going to explain to him? That you kissed him when you're still unsure about your feelings for him? That the feeling of his touch sent your mind into overdrive?

Instead of hyping yourself up for the talk you ended up discouraging yourself further. Frustrated and feeling silly, you huffed and threw the covers off your body. You marched to your room door and swung it open. You made your way towards the stairs and looked off the balcony to see Hawks putting his jacket on. "Keigo.." you said quieter than intended.

He looked up and looked shocked when he saw you.

"Uh good morning, angel. What are you doing up so early?" he asked as he checked the time on his phone.

You shuffled down the stairs and towards the glass doors where Hawks was standing. You stopped in front of him and for a few seconds neither of you said anything. You took this time to find your words but once again sentences failed you. Hawks was the first to look away, hand rubbing at the back of his neck.

"Keigo about last night-" you started to say.

"You don't have to explain yourself. I understand." he said dismissively.

"You understand what?"

"Why you rejected me last night. You're still unsure of your feelings for me. I get it. Maybe that kiss last night was a mistake."

"No Keigo I swear it's not like that let me-"

"Sorry (Y/n), I'm gonna be late for work. I'm gonna be home late tonight so don't wait up."

Hawks exited through the glass doors, spreading his wings and taking off towards whatever job he was supposed to do that day. You sighed and leaned your forehead against the cool glass.

"He definitely hates me. He called me by my name."

You heard a faint wailing from upstairs and realized Ten had woken up. Pushing aside the issue with Hawks you made your way upstairs to tend to your child.

not me having little to no motivation to write or post a new chapter in over a month. seriously though i apologize guys school and life's got me busy and my motivation has plateaued. sorry this chapters so short i just needed to post something so i wasn't making you guys wait longer

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