Welcome home

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Your POV

After spending the day at Lola's house you caught a cab back to the city. The copious amount of clothes she had gotten for Ten filled half the cab, and you were thankful the driver didn't pose any kind of irritation when you loaded the bags. You held Ten's sleeping body in your arms as you gazed out the window, watching as the dark and quiet neighborhoods turned into brightly lit stores and sidewalks became packed with people enjoying their night out.

A spot of bright yellow caught your eye and you caught the smallest glimpse of Fatgum as the car continued its journey forward. You figured he was scheduled to patrol that night, and started to wonder when your next patrol would be. You made a mental note to start comparing schedules with Hawks and another to find potential sitters for Ten.

Before you knew it the cab was coming to a stop in front of the apartment. The doorman quickly rushed out once he noticed you and all the bags you had. "Have a great day shopping?" the doorman asked as he unloaded the car.

"Oh, no" you said with a light laugh. "These are all gifts for the little one."

The man nodded his head and started gathering the bags once he removed them all. "I'll take these in for you." he said as he walked off.

You payed the cab driver and thanked him as he drove off. You checked your phone to see if there had been any new messages from Hawks, but none popped up when the screen lit up. Shrugging your shoulders and pocketed the device, figuring that he was just having too much fun to send you any updates. Walking towards the building you pushed the doors open and stepped inside.

The doorman was already at the far end of the room waiting for the elevator. "I figured I should help you take these bags up, seeing as how you've got a sleeping child in your arms." he said as you approached.

You thanked him and the two of you silently waited for the elevator. The doors opened moments later and the man gestured for you to step inside. You nestled yourself in the corner and ensured there was plenty of space for the doorman and all the bags. Once everybody, and everything, was loaded you pressed the button for the top floor.

The ride was filled with silence, and as you looked around the mirrored box something caught your eye. As discreetly as you could you stared at the doorman's reflection, focusing especially on his name tag. Despite the lettering being mirrored, you could make out the name. Not believing your eyes, you gently placed your hand on the mans shoulder and turned him towards you.

With no room for error you once again read his name tag.


"Is...there a problem miss?" the man asked nervously.

"Oh uh...no, sorry." you said as you dropped your hand from his shoulder. "You wouldn't happen to have been working earlier today, were you?"

"No ma'am." he said as he adjusted his uniform.

A feeling of dread filled your stomach and you thought back to the man from that morning. If he wasn't an employee, why did he know Hawks real name? What else did he know?

The questions and memories of the mysterious man swirled your head and engulf your mind completely. The soft elevator music soon became muffled and slow garbled sound. A hand gently gripped your shoulder and you jolted back to reality.

Tatsuya, the real one, quickly withdrew his arm before apologizing. "Didn't mean to startle you, ma'am. We've arrived on your floor."

Taking a few deep breaths you nodded your head and quickly exited the space. Tatsuya had already arranged the bags beside the front door and excused himself quietly. You thanked him as he boarded the elevator and turned your attention to the door, reaching into your pocket for the-

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