Breakfast time

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Rays of sunlight shown through the curtains and fell onto your face, gently waking you from your slumber. You opened your eyes and looked up at the unfamiliar ceiling.

"Oh right...I'm at Hawks place..."

You rolled over and looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand beside the bed. 11:27. You rolled back over and threw the covers over your head in an attempt to block out the sun. It was the weekend and it wasn't like you had any big responsibilities. Then you remembered.


You screamed internally as you threw the covers off you and stumbled out of bed. You flung the room door open and started down the hall towards Tens room. You burst through the door and your heart sank when you realized he wasn't in his cot. You quickly turned around and ran towards the stairs, shouting for Hawks in the process.

"HAWKS?! KEIGO?! TENS NOT IN HIS ROOM!" you shouted as you barreled down the spiral staircase.

When you got down to the first floor what you saw immediately made you drop to your knees. There sitting atop the kitchen counter, was Ten. Hawks sat in front of him holding a bottle filled with formula, wide eyed at your frantic entrance. "Uh...Good morning angel." Hawks said after a while.

You breathed a sigh of relief and removed yourself from the floor. "Good morning Keigo." you said as you made your way to the counter.

Hawks was still wearing his clothes from the night before while Ten donned the 'chick magnet' onesie you picked out from the store. "Did you eat yet?" you asked Hawks as he struggled to feed Ten.

"No not yet. This guys been up since 7am keeping me busy."

"Holy- 7am??"

"Yeah he started crying around then so I went in and grabbed him. We played in his room for a bit before coming down here."

You stared in awe at the man who spoke of waking up before noon on a weekend like it was a normal thing to do. "Do you mind if I cook you breakfast then? Seeing as how you're busy with Ten."

Hawks nodded his approval and pointed to the cabinets where the pots and pans were. When you opened his fridge you were pretty underwhelmed. All he had was chicken and eggs. Not very much to work off of. You huffed as you pulled out the large carton of eggs.

"Guess I'll make fried eggs."

You pulled out a frying pan and poured a generous amount of olive oil. After turning on the burner you cracked a few eggs into a separate bowl so it would be easier to get them all into the pan at once. You occasionally held your hand over the pan checking to see if the temperature was right yet. Once you felt like the oil had become just warm enough you added in the eggs. The eggs sizzled and popped as they cooked and started to become crisp on the bottom.

"Do you like your egg yolks running or set?" you asked Hawks as you searched for a lid.

"I like em somewhere in between. Not to runny but not cooked all the way."

You understood exactly what he meant because that's how you liked your eggs as well. (A/N Ok it's how like having my eggs cooked) Once you found a lid big enough to cover the pan you turned off the heat and placed the lid on top, only for a few minutes so the residual heat could set the yolks slightly. You removed the lid and lifted the eggs from the pan with a spatula and placed them on a plate. You sprinkled some salt and pepper and placed them in front of Hawks with a fork.

You took Ten from Hawks as he excitedly took a bite of his breakfast. "Oh my gosh, angel. These are the best eggs I'ver ever had. Like no joke. These are amazing. You're gonna make a great wife one day." he said through chews.

You blushed when Hawks mentioned you becoming a wife and suddenly remembered his confession from the night before. You sat quietly as you replayed Hawks confession over in your head. Part of you wanted to believe his feelings were true, but another nagging part told you it was only a spur of the moment thing.

If you guys hadn't been caught by that weird guy, you and Hawks would probably have never seen each other again.

"He only stayed because of Ten..."

You were so deep in thought you didn't hear Hawks trying to get your attention. He waved his hand in front of your face which brought you back to reality. "Is everything okay?" he asked worriedly.

You quickly nodded your head and plastered a smile on your face. "Sorry, I was just thinking about what I was going to bring from my apartment" You lied.

"Just bring everything! I have plenty of space here for all of your stuff."

"As much as I'd like to do that, how would I carry it all here? I don't want to keep flying back and forth and taking cabs is super awkward..." (or should I dare say it...Hawkward)

"We can take the car. We still have to buy some stuff for Ten so drivings probably the best option."

"You can drive?" you asked shocked. You just assumed that because of his wings he wouldn't need to drive anywhere, like you did.

He nodded in response and pointed to a pair of keys at the other end of the counter. "I don't drive often but a license is a good thing to have. I'm a pretty good driver you don't have to worry."

You thought about it for awhile before you decided taking Hawks car would be best.

"Okay, once you finish eating you wanna changed and go?" you asked.

He nodded his head and shoveled the rest of the eggs into his mouth before disappearing upstairs. After awhile Hawks came back down in a new outfit. He wore a white shirt with a blue jean jacket over it and black pants. His blond hair seemed untouched from its messy state.

"Oh no...he's hot in casual clothes too!"

Your eyes continued to linger on him as he moved around the room.

"Like what you see, angel?" he said as a smirk graced his lips. He had caught you staring some time ago and was enjoying the attention.

You blushed when he caught you and tore your eyes away. Ten fussed in your arms and you looked down to see that he had finished his bottle. You placed the empty bottle on the counter and brought him to you chest and began to gently pat his back. "I heard this is what you do after you feed a baby."

You continued to gently pat his back until he let out a tiny burp. You pulled him away from you and brought his face to yours. "Ooh now doesn't that feel better honey?" you said sweetly.

Ten giggled and bounced in your hold. Hawks stared lovingly and took plenty of mental images of the moment. "Ready to go angel?" he asked as he jingled his car keys.

You nodded your head and balanced Ten on you hip. "I'm ready."

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