Dinner and a Dance

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What do you guys think of the new cover? I think it's pretty cute. Also I'm having the worst writers block and honestly don't know what to write. If by some grace of god this chapter makes it out I apologize for the long wait. I hope everyone's doing well and thank you so much for 1K votes and 30K views. I'm truly so grateful for all of you readers. I wasn't expecting this story to blow up this much.
I'll continue working hard on this story until the very end. i love you guys 💕
Your POV

Once you got back to the apartment you and Hawks unloaded the groceries. "What should I make for dinner?" you asked to yourself as you looked at all the newly bought foods.

"How about I cook tonight?" Hawks offered. "You haven't spent much time with Ten lately. How about you give him a bottle and play with him a little while I cook?"

"Yeah. I guess we could do that. What are you planning on making?" you asked as you started to make Ten a bottle.

"I'm not sure yet but it'll definitely include chicken." he said with a grin.

You rolled your eyes and let out a scoff. "Chicken two nights in a row? Don't you ever get tired of eating it?"

"I could never get tired of eating chicken." Hawks said in a serious tone.

You laughed nervously feeling like you struck a nerve and finished making Ten a bottle. You grabbed a clean dish towel from the kitchen and removed the tiny bundle from the stroller and carried him to the couch. "Do you mind if I turn on the TV?" you asked as you sat down.

"Go ahead." Hawks replied back as he occupied himself in the kitchen.

You took the remote into your hand and turned the TV on. The first thing to appear was the local news channel. The news anchor was talking about Stains latest victim. Deciding this wasn't the best thing to watch with a child you flipped through the channels. You stopped on a channel playing an old black and white film. You were a sucker for love stories and indulge in the classics films when you could.

You set turned the volume up slightly so Hawks could listen from the kitchen and set the remote down beside you. You grabbed Tens formula bottle and started to feed him. As the near infant began to empty the bottle your eyes were fixated on the screen. It was a classic story. The man meets the woman and instantly becomes infatuated with her. He spends the rest of the movie trying to woo her.

Every now and then your eyes shifted down to Ten to make sure he was drinking the formula okay. After a while he emptied the bottle and you placed it on the ground. Draping the dish towel from earlier over your shoulder you brought Ten up to your chest. You made sure his chin was resting on your shoulder and began to lightly pat his back.

After a few minutes you heard a slight burp come from the child and felt something hit the dish towel. Bringing the boy away from your chest you looked at his face. A small amount of spit up dripped from his chin and you wiped it off with the clean side of the rag. You carefully removed the rag from your shoulder and folded it up neatly and discarded it to the floor, making a mental note to throw it in the washing machine later.

You sat Ten in your lap with him facing you. You haven't had much interactions with babies before so you weren't sure what to do to entertain him. You wiggled your pointer finger into one of his chubby hands and he took hold of it tightly. Feeling the near infants tiny grip on your finger made your heart swell in a way it never had before.

A small smile graced your face and you leaned down to place a gentle kiss on the boys forehead. You gazed lovingly at the boy and took in all of his features. His small thin wisps of hair matched yours in color and his striking pale honey colored eyes was identical to Hawks. Even down to the unusual shape that made it appear he had eyeliner. You moved from his face to the small frame of his body and your eyes were naturally drawn to his wings.

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